A brief dive into some of the most important protests taking place in the world (PART 02): Bolivia.

in #promo-steem5 years ago (edited)

G1- Globo

Since the end of the presidential election (which took place on October 20 this year), Evo Morales has faced strong resistance from the Chinela population. Beside him are his supporters, but on the opposite side there is a massive part of opponents that are making and making a lot of noise in the country.

All this confusion generated by the organized acts in the form of protests gained worldwide repercussion after Morales was declared winner of the dispute and reelected for a new term (which is his fourth undertaking).

The origin of these movements that invaded the streets was precisely motivated by the following fact:

According to Bolivia's electoral court, Evo Morales's victory took place in the first round. The champion's margin was only slightly above the 10% required so that there is no need for a second round. In more precise numbers regarding margins, Morales was 10.57% over second place (former president Carlos Mesa).

The problem that became the fuel was used to ignite the wrath of the Bolivian people was the issue involving the counting of votes. The officially announced figures caused a lot of suspicion of fraud, as they came to light after an inexplicable break during the disclosure of the results (which lasted almost 24 hours).


Almost 14 years ago Morales (who is the first president of indigenous origin) has been presiding over Bolivia and over that time he has achieved some important merits. Recently, however, he has shown attitudes that are not being well recognized by a large number of citizens and this has caused a lot of anger and dissatisfaction.

His popularity is still relatively high and his pragmatic approach tends to foster good relations with Western countries. This shows good tact for dealing with politics (at least to a limited degree), but what has been strongly questioned by the people is democracy after they simply ignored, in 2016, the result of a major referendum where The population had decided that he could not run for another term.

"Pretending" that the referendum did not actually exist (which was a quite wrong and bad decision), through a court decision he got permission to run again. That was the fact that initially generated dissatisfaction on the part of the people... which obviously grew and gained more weight and shape after their "victory" in the presidential polls.

Strongly believing that the final vote count was manipulated (with robust evidence pointing to a remarkable fraud), a large part of the Morales government's opposition population organized and spread through the streets in protests that were watered by many violent acts (a direct clash between the population and the police force), where the disturbance of orders has reached a highly chaotic level (of proportions never before seen in the country) for the development of the country.

CTV News

The result after so many protests can be translated into the reunion of then-president Evo Morales, who on November 10 announced - via a national television announcement - that he would step down to attend the protesters' claims and prevent further protests from happening again. The decision was much celebrated by his opponents and much felt by his supporters (both, two sides of the same coin).

With his resignation from the presidential post (which Morales considers to have been the result of a political coup to his detriment), he had assumed his deputy, but Álvaro García Linera also submitted his resignation. This attitude caused the country to enter a serious political crisis because there simply was no one sitting in the chair of the president and the nation drifted, waiting for a new election to be organized so that this situation of neglect could be solved as soon as possible.

For now, this has not happened yet (and it probably won't happen anytime soon)... But who is momentarily in power after proclaiming herself as the new president of the country is Jeanine Áñez, a fervent religious citizen who is definitely not pleasing the majority of the population in her mission of wanting to pacify and organize the country.

Jovem Pam

According to statements by the then interim president, there is no specific date for this new (and long-awaited) election to take place... There is only one a "soon" on the horizon for Bolivian citizens, who increasingly seek to escape the problems from their own country (which come from many different backgrounds: education, health, work, food...) and take refuge in other neighboring countries in search of better living conditions for them.

This post is a contribution to the most recent initiative (World Unrest Awareness) created by @theycallmedan.

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