
Of course..we can help get you more and more of them @web-gnar just as @richforever rightfully was good when l shared those photos on #steemspeak chat on Discord..Thanks for the support you have for #teamghana

SO cool man! youreREALy producing quality items and products now, we need to use a network of Airmules, we find [eopel whoa re already traveling from Ghana to LAX and have someone pick it up from airport andf we just bring luggage and items via people traveling in yteh airplanes!

THEN we can have our own STEEM shipping company! :D:D:D:D That is the fina step! we have a one world currency that almost instant and is 100% free ranaction fees, no fees, and we have someting theer that almost none other ha! but the cool thing is that stempowert allowsyou to build mroe steem holdig the tokn...... and u can earn it! even dash doenst have that! Steem is GOD man

Steem is the coin of 2018 dont be SHOCKED when Steem becomes 300 Billion to 500 Billion dollar marketcap and overtakes BITCOIN in marketcap! it coudl veryu well happen this year and take all that FB marketcap!

"We dont got a whole lotta old bitcoin, but we got a lot of NEW Steempower! "

WOW soon youl be able to Join Migos "Young Rich Nation" hahah

and we can make STEEM versions of this Bitcoin Gold Jewlery! Iu want tHis same thing but with teh STEEM logo!!!

WOAHHA we HAVE to make this for @mrviquez and @tj4real @kwakumax @ortigas100 @xpency all of you guys need stuff like these but fopr STEEM also!

I want a Blue and White and Diamond Platinum or silver/GGold Steem logo just smal nd thin, or fuck it, if we can spend the metals we w

Or even make them with gold..cos you know we can buy gold with steem here in very affordable price..thats cool @ackza

You have said it all @ackza, this year ,we have decided to take steemit to the next level. We aint gonna talk too much but our apperance alone will speak volumes. I cant wait to show all those who said steemit aint real my account and even get them some lunch by withdrawing steem right infront of them. You have been an inspiration.

i can make one for you and you will pay nothing @web-gnar

NICE also @theoccultcorner said he wante dto buy one too! you guys have customers inteh USA look at that! ur sellin T shirts to Americans now AWESOME ur Designs IS fuckin cool!

Everyone thinks it is RASTA jamaican colors like for marijuna related steemit users hahaha and i had to explain those colors are just GHANA colors! hahaha

But yeah I must ADMIT these are the NICEST steem T shirts I have seen so far

I loved them to. Sad I could not get one before I left though

You can still get one for any of #teamghana members to help ship one for you as a way of expressing our gratitude for the love you gave us @ewuoso

whooo go Ghana. hahaha we can transform that into a business.
we can produce on a large scale and export it for you guys @ackza! what do you think?

Wow...we so proud of these are the brain behind the production of these shirts and the underway so glad steemit is being taken to the next level..good ao much @ackza ...let me know if @tytran may need some so we send you two some shirts.

awesome. yeah i like how its the ghana flag. they look rad. let me know

gimme your location and imma send you one


Sure..we on preparing your package ASAP.steemit is the best place l have ever guys are amazing @web-gnar

awesome thanks! cant wait to rep Ghana STEEM shirt. ill post about it when I get it no doubt!

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