TeeKingTV Minnow School || Minnow Founding A Minnow School - What You Don't Know

in #promo-steem6 years ago (edited)

teekingtv minnow school.jpg

Hi there,

I am Tee King, the founder and mentor at this very TeeKingTV Minnow School. And online and offline based minnow school which focuses on introducing young people in it's physical and online environments to steemit, guiding and grooming them (including those that are already in this community) through the right path; thereby ensuring they endure and overcome the challenges they face and eventually make whales.

That sounds great, yeah it does. But seeing that I am also a minnow who's still new here and still in the process of learning how things work in the blockchain, doesn't it sound funny or rather unreasonable?

I know how funny that sounds, really. I mean a minnow of such little reputation and zero rewards (earnings) stepping up to mentor and guide other minnows through his offline and online school. Well, if there's anything that could make me qualified enough with the ability and capability to do this, it's my passion for blogging right before coming to this platform and my total commitment in adding undiluted values of mine to this blockchain. The satisfaction I get from seeing newbies endure and overcome the obstacles that are naturally meant to be faced and becoming successful steemians is unmatched. There's this quote I love making always:

He who can't make a good follower would never make a good leader.

It is my believe that one doesn't have to wait till he's at the top before helping and supporting his fellow people at the bottom. Share the little you know and help someone as you add more values to the blockchain as well. And that is what I'm doing right now, the reason for founding this school and what many people didn't know about this school.

There are lots of devoted bloggers (e.g @bait002) who write to motivate minnows and helping us understand this blockchain. They focus on grooming the newbies and ensure the morale to be successful is as high as ever regardless of how little the earnings rewards are. In fact, no reward here on Steemit is little. A post you publish today that brings a zero Steem Dollar pave way and make solid foundation for tomorrow's posts that would be bringing thousands of rewards to your account - the very sweet aspect of this blockchain. Well, I'm not here to talk about that today, but sure I will, soon. I believe the mentors we have are too few with regards to the number of new members joining this community everyday and so, this school is designed to join these mentors and to provide adequate support for the minnows.

Stay with us by following this blog and surely you'll see how much passion and dedication we've got to this matchless community.

That is all for today guys. I'm still a minnow and I'm learning from my mentors, yet, it is my hope that you find this post educative, informative and totally helpful.

Happy steem!

I am @teekingtv, a die-hard lover of Steemit.

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