Onboarding whole Communities to Steem - I would like to take this opportunity once again to encourage more people to engage with whole Communities, especially those in the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Industry.

in #promo-steem5 years ago

#Promo-Steem - Onboarding whole Communities.!!

Onboarding Communities to Steem.jpg

Onboarding whole Communities to #Steem

The only way for #Steem to really grow is to onboard whole Communities at a time.

It has been like this from day and after over 3 years, I think it's more apparent now than ever before.

Sure, we can onboard users one at a time, but personally I think it's just easier to onboard a whole Community instead.

Encouraging more to engage with whole Communities

I would like to take this opportunity once again to encourage more people to engage with whole Communities and especially those in the #Blockchain and #Cryptocurrency Industry.

#Steem will not grow on it's own and we should all do our bit to spread the word, especially on Social Media.

We are ALL #Steem Ambassadors

As far as I am concerned, we are ALL #Steem Ambassadors, each and everyone one of us.

If you hold #Steem and would like to see your wealth in #Steem grow, then surely it's no different from being a Shareholder in a Company.

As a Shareholder, would you sit back and do nothing if the Market tries to destroy the very Company you had a stake in?

No you wouldn't and #Steem is no different.!!

Are you on Social Media?

If you are active on Social Media outside of the #Steem Ecosystem, then I would highly recommend that you reach out, not to just individuals, but to Groups and whole Communities as well.

Snowball effect

By onboarding whole Communities, those that join would then most likely repeat the process of being an Ambassador for #Steem and effectively we should then witness a snowball effect.

Until this happens...

Until this happens, I will be on twitter engaging with as many Communities as I can.

Thanks again for reading.



@tipu curate

Posted using Partiko Android

Promoting #Steem and #Steemit.

Shared on twitter.

Shout-out to everyone in the #Steem Community.

Please help to promote #Steem by sharing your blogs on twitter.




Hi @stephenkendal, here is my post in twitter: Greetings

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