Looking forward to sharing with you some very exciting news regarding #Promo-Steem, @Steem-Ambassador and the much anticipated Steem Ambassador Programme soon. In the meantime I'm reaching out to users in the U.S. wishing to help promote Steemit & Steem.

in #promo-steem6 years ago (edited)

Reaching out to the U.S..!!

I am really looking forward to sharing with you some very exciting news soon regarding #Promo-Steem, the newly created @Steem-Ambassador Account and the much anticipated @Steem-Ambassador Programme.

In the meantime, I am reaching out to users in the U.S. wishing to help promote #Steemit and the #Steem Blockchain.

#Promo-Steem tag

Recently I put out a Blog with some stats showing that the #Promo-Steem tag was slowly but surely moving up the Top Trending List of payouts.

This recognition of #Promo-Steem is now slowly but surely picking up speed and I for one cannot thank all those that are supporting #Promo-Steem with your support and up-votes enough.

As the volume of work for the Marketing and Promoting of #Steemit and the #Steem Blockchain continues to grow, I would like to give a Massive #Steemit Shout Out to all those around the World promoting #Steemit and #Steem, at the same time as blogging their hard work to the #Promo-Steem tag.

Matt @Starkerz and Dylan @Anarcotech

Along with Matt @Starkerz and Dylan @Anarcotech we will soon be sharing with you some very exciting news regarding #Promo-Steem and the much anticipated @Steem-Ambassador Programme and in the meantime I just wanted to put out this quick video update and reach out to users in the U.S. wishing to help promote #Steemit, the #Steem Blockchain and the exciting new developments that we are witnessing in the #Steem Ecosystem.

Promotional T-Shirt design in the U.K.

As we introduce the new #Promo-Steem website, @Steem-Ambassador Account and the @Steem-Ambassador Programme we will begin redesigning our T-Shirts in the U.K. to include @Steem-Ambassador.

By having @Steem-Ambassador on future T-Shirts will help us to promote the @Steem-Ambassador Account.

For ease, I have handwritten the @Steem-Ambassador account on the T-Shirt in the video purely as an example and in the coming few weeks we will share with you the design of the new T-Shirts that we will begin using in the U.K.


If you are promoting #Steemit and the #Steem Blockchain please feel free to follow the newly created @Steem-Ambassador account.

Since creating the account a few days ago there has been 106 that have now followed and we would like to encourage all those that wish to participate in the @Steem-Ambassador Programme to follow this account in preparation for the exciting news.

Once again, a Massive #Steemit Shout Out to all those around the World working tirelessly in promoting #Steemit and #Steem.

You guys are doing an amazing job..!!

Thanks for reading.




Great video. I am following your channel on YouTube and "Liked" your video. Hopefully, it goes viral!

I am following and bookmarked the @steem-ambassador account.

I pledge my support of Steemians promoting SteemIt using the #promo-usa tag. I will be watching for this tag on posts.

2018 is going to be a great year for SteemIt and the STEEM blockchain.

Greatly appreciate your efforts,
Steem on,

Thanks Mike. As always I really appreciate your overwhelming support. 2018 is going to see some really exciting things in the #Steem Ecosystem and I am so excited with what we are proposing to do with #promo-steem and the @Steem-Ambassador Programme. Happy New Year Mike and all the very best for 2018. Stephen

Brilliant! I'd love to get involved with this. As a Brit living in Hong Kong where the flow of people, tourists, travellers etc is a sight to behold, I can already think of a few hubs in the city where something as simple as flyer distribution would hit a perfect target audience. Exciting times.

I can already think of a few hubs in the city where something as simple as flyer distribution would hit a perfect target audience.

Awesome..!! We would love see you blogging about this. If you use #promo-steem and #promo-hongkong as your first two tags we can pick up your blogs and support them. Stephen

Sounds like a plan. I'm guessing the flyer templates etc will be available on the new website?

There will be all sorts of features on the website. If you have a look at some of the #promo-steem blogs already made most users design and use their own to suit their country and environment. Stephen

Nice! I can feel my creative wheels starting to turn 🙌

good knowlege

Update your shirt to the new branding, some suckers got tattoos of the old brand, don't appropriate their sacrifice lmao.

Update your shirt to the new branding

We are intending to leave the branding of the T-Shirts as they are with some minor changes. In the U.K. we are promoting #Steem as the number one product hence we will have the #Steem logo on the T-Shirts and not the #Steemit logo. It is #Steem and the #Steem Ecosystem that we are going to be pushing. Stephen

That makes total sense, thanks for addressing a newb!

passion and success to continue planting steemit community!!
Goodjob @stephenkendal

I support you until the end thanks for sharing :)

Awesome work mate! All the best moving forward @stephenkendal

thanks for the video
good work sir thank you for sharing with us

A very good idea @stephenkendal, we are also here doing steemit promotion to all people. Please help too, thanks for the help.

Welldone. Keep up the good work.

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