I have lost count how many times I have suggested that the default tag should be defaulted to "hashtag" #Steem when you press the twitter button to share your blog.

in #promo-steem6 years ago (edited)

A minor change could have a MASSIVE impact..!!


I have lost count how many times I have suggested this

If every blogger that was on twitter shared their blogs on twitter with the tag #Steem, I doubt we would be out of the Top 50 as we are today.

It's absolutely madness that people are happy to watch the #Steem price drop, as though they don't really care.

It takes literally seconds to share to twitter, but why don't people do it?

On another note, I have lost count how many times I have suggested that the default tag should be defaulted to "hashtag" #Steem when you press the twitter button to share your blog.

A little change like this would have had a MASSIVE impact and yet no one seems to give a shit.

Hopefully the appetite to want to promote #Steem will come in time, before there is nothing left to promote.

Thanks again for reading.



Good idea! I just shared this post on my Twitter feed

You are right man, these little things together can make a difference

Posted using Partiko iOS

Lets share it!....:)... #Steem

Is there any possible valid reason for NOT using the #Steem hashtag for re-blogging to Twitter?

Is there any possible valid reason for NOT using the #Steem hashtag for re-blogging to Twitter?

If there is, I for one would sure love to hear it.


Makes sense!

I believe so too.

Posted using Partiko Android

Just to be clear.

At the moment, when you share to twitter, the blog defaults to "- Steemit".

I proposed that it should have been "- #Steem #Steemit ".

That way, tags are automatically created for the user to tweet.

This could have a major impact on twitter..!!



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