Steemit Users Continues to Increase

in #promo-steem7 years ago

good night steemian ... how are you doing on this Friday (2017/09/14)night? hopefully all in good and always in the protection of Allah SWT. tonight I want to write the spirit of community in steemit and the spirit of influent steemit to friends and also people who want to know steemit. currently steemit becomes the discussion almost everywhere, not just in the office, on campus but almost all the coffee shops.

yesterday I was enjoying coffee at one of the coffee shops, there are anecdotes coming out of one of my seniors heard **all must be in steemit **, when I heard the word I smiled and felt that their discussion about steemit was very serious,
although they have not yet created a steemit account but they are more often discussing the matter of steemit, and I am sure that one day they will create a steemit account, just as when the first new facebook into social media, everyone when meeting will definitely ask what your facebook account.

This afternoon, me @steem77 @abunagaya @taministy @safwaninisam @bukharisulaiman @usmanosama @jamalgayoni @munawir91 we discussed, some things related to steemit and how to strengthen the steemit community, in this meeting, we discussed what functions each of us has in the community, and who is responsible for helping the new steemians join in steemit.

There are some newcomers in steemit, which we are assisting in understanding steemit thoroughly, and @abunagaya get the task of preparing readings about steemit, with a complete tutorial. So newcomers in steemit can read articles that will help them to understand steemit, this is part of our responsibility, why is it our responsibility? because they join steemit after getting an understanding of what is steemit from us, so this is what I call that steemit increasingly mushrooming or penetrating into all elements of society.

this is one of the impacts of the existence of the community, where we can share and we can complement or overcome the weaknesses of each member of the community, this is the result of our meeting, thank you.

Thank you to all community colleagues




Selamat malam steemian ... apa kabar di malam jum'at (14/09/2017) ? semoga semua dalam keadaan baik dan selalu dalam lindungan Allah SWT. Malam ini saya ingin menuliskan semangat berkomunitas di steemit dan semangat influen kan steemit kepada teman-teman dan juga orang-orang yang mau mengenal steemit. saat ini steemit menjadi pembahasan hampir di semua tempat, tidak hanya di kantor, di kampus tapi hampir semua warung kopi.

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saat kemarin saya menikmati kopi di salah satu warung kopi, ada anekdot yang keluar dari salah satu senior saya semua harus di steemit kan, saat mendengar kata tersebut saya jadi tersenyum dan merasakan bahwa pembahasan di mereka soal steemit sudah sangat serius. Walaupun mereka belum membuat akun steemit tapi mereka semakin sering membahas soal steemit, dan saya yakin bahwa suatu saat mereka akan membuat akun steemit, sama seperti saat baru pertama facebook menjadi media sosial, semua orang saat bertemu pasti akan menanyakann apa akun facebook kamu.

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Tadi sore, saya @steem77 @abunagaya @taministy @safwaninisam @bukharisulaiman @usmanosama @jamalgayoni @munawir91 kami membahas beberapa hal yang berkaitan dengan steemit dan bagaimana memperkuat komunitas steemit, dalam pertemuan ini, kami membahas tentang apa saja fungsi dari masing-masing kami di komunitas, dan siapa saja yang bertanggung jawab untuk membantu steemian yang baru bergabung di steemit.

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Ada beberapa pendatang baru di steemit, yang sedang kami bantu dalam memahami steemit secara menyeluruh, dan @abunagaya mendapatkan tugas menyiapkan bacaan tentang steemit, dengan tutorial yang lengkap. Sehingga pendatang baru di steemit bisa membaca artikel yang akan membantu mereka untuk memahami steemit, ini bagian dari tanggung jawab kami, kenapa itu menjadi tanggung jawab kami? karena mereka bergabung dengan steemit setelah mendapatkan pemahaman apa itu steemit dari kami, jadi ini yang saya sebut bahwa steemit semakin menjamur atau merasuk ke semua elemen masyarakat,

inilah salah satu dampak dari adanya komunitas, dimana kami bisa berbagi dan kami bisa saling melengkapi atau mentupi kelemahan dari masing-masing anggota komunitas, inilah hasil pertemuan kami, terima kasih.

Terima Kasih kepada semua rekan-rekan komunitas




Keep up the good work promoting Steemit and good luck with #promo-steem #promo-indonesia. Stephen

@stephenkendal thank you .. in Aceh steemit has become a very serious discussion, and if you look at the trend of steemit users for Indonesia, Aceh is still in the first order of users of steemit most, and I am currently doing socialization for some lecturers, with the aim of making steemit accounts and steemit for publication media of scientific papers as well as media to share assignments to its students, Here are some lecturers who have signed .up to be user steemit: @ikramramli @mariyudi @faisalmatriadi and @saifuddinjalil.

hopefully the presence of some lecturers can make students on campus using steemit as their lecture media

regard from Aceh


Sounds great. Keep up the great work. You guys are doing an awesome job in Aceh promoting Steemit. Stephen

thank you @stephenkendal, this is another post about steemit user trend in indonesia: promotion-of-steemit-in-aceh

Teurimong geunaseh

keep spirit and steem on!!!

thank you @boruniraja ... nice to meet you ... and thank to comment

Good post brade @steem77.. wait and see user to continue

thank you ... i'm wait your tutorial to new steemit

Bereeh @steem77 kekompakan harus tabangun dan tajaga, lagee tapula meunan keuh ajue,, yang penteng semangat

Steemit selalu di hati walau aneuk mit pieh maen steemit,,,, hhehehe

beutoi ... di steemit tanyoe meu syedara .. dan di dunia nyata tanyoe ta meurakan yang leubeh nyata .. meunan kira-kira yang harus bangun

good night steemian ... how are you doing on this Friday (2017/09/14)night? hopefully all in good and always in the protection of Allah SWT. tonight I want to write the spirit of community in steemit and the spirit of influent steemit to friends and also people who want to know steemit. currently steemit becomes the discussion almost everywhere, not just in the office, on campus but almost all the coffee shops.

manatap @steem77, ilong hana muphom bahasa inggreh.. jadi hana long tupue komen pih nyoe, yang na long tupue selamat malam sagai... hahaaaa

Hahahah .. i writing bilingual ... ada

hana itubiet bak long, kakeuh meunan kih keudeh...

Lon pat lon meruno, pu payah meruno kedro sabab tadaftar kedro secara ke gura2?, hahaha

Bak grup .. hinan jrut teu manyong . . Dan jeut ta perkuat pat-pat yg na kelemahan sesama grup

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Ini senua berkat arahan dari brother @zainalbakri ..

Nice bg
Salam dari abu. Terus berkarya

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