Showcasing STEEM's Superiority: Steem as a jet race surpassing other coins like BTC, MEME Iniative Contest

in #promo-steem5 years ago


Good day guys! This is another iniative to empower Steem. This Steem awareness creation is brought to you by @theycallmedan; creating "Steem Meme" to demonstrate that our Steem is the fastest and best ever in terms of transactions and other exchanges. This is his "Meme" he shared with for the announcement of this contest:


"Why Steem Meme?:"

"Meme"is one of the funny ways of creating awareness of many people about what you want to share with them. "Meme" draws the attention of many people of what they aren't ready to absorb, listen, see or hear, as they watch through hilacious way the Meme pull them to like the ideas. Many people have head of Steem, though many too haven't heard at all, but they will begin to like Steem through dome humour or interesting scenes, pictures and messages that would begin to complement them to love the idea of Steem. Simple, precise and easy to get the whole picture of what steem can perform over the other competitors are the best examples to let non-steem users buy steem. In this way, we are selling steem and steem must be sold in more appropriate manner for quick market.

"My Steem MEME: Steem as a Jet Surpassing other coins like BTC:"

In all standards Steem is scalable compared to other coins in Crypto World. When I followed @ggroed post on why Steem is scalable and ready to rock here:, I have understood that Steem would be able to use by anybody who joins. That's why @theycallmedan used the word: "readable for steem." With this insight for Steem, Steem looks like *"a Jet engine embeded in an ordinary car to run a race with its competors cars on roads. The other cars would compete with Steem car not until their engines get broken before they would realise that Steem car on race isn't having normal engine but rather "Jet's engine!" Steem is durable and fast, easy to access and enrol one's self compare to Bitcoin that many know that it's the mother of the Crypto. But we must test Steem to know that it surpasses all other coins for fast and easy transactions. Currently, it's easy to transact steem to any other coins and also for purchases of some small items instead of opting for Bitcoin and other crypto coins. Steem readings for transactions starts with "real numbers like 1, 2, 3 and others" even as the prices stands as it is, you to exchange more to have more. But how can one get Bitcoin say 1 and above to transact or exchange, at times you exchange with insignifacant figure say; *"0.00001 to get your little Bitcoin you want to exchange. This difference with steem and other coins make Steem easy to use and read.

Well, on my *"Steem Meme showcasing Steem's Superiority, I used two cars on race, the first car on lead is our Steem competing with Bitcoin. Someone may judge that Bitcoin is rated over Steem, but that is his own option as far as my "Meme" is concerned. Here, the Bitcoin car got broke its engine since Steem car's engine is made of "Jet's engine" which has a high horse-power to run. At long round, the steem's car has to pull it. I know, this isn't an extra ordinary "Meme" for the contest, also I'm al that good when it comes to "Meme" creation, but I hope you may like it and help spread this Steem awareness through "Meme" initiative. Thanks to @theycallmedan and all Steemians in Steem ecosysteem.

I'm @oppongk

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