
Well yeah, lol. Of course they are. If you paid me, I'd reliably upvote you too, haha.

You really might want to consider bots like steemvoter and maybe doing more blog posts. You're not very easy for me to upvote and have it count for anything. With me using bots I get to make your vote count, my vote count and possibly help you earn some curation rewards and me for sure earn some creation rewards. Without bots we can upvote each other and both get nothing like on Facebook. lol

I guess I don't fully understand what you're trying to say but I can't afford to use bots at the moment so I am doing what I can :)

Ok. There are bots that only cost .01. Good luck. At least your upvotes count on my comments and posts and you might even get some curation rewards as well.

I read your previous comment that I had missed, I see your point now. Thanks for letting me know. I am aware that there are inexpensive bid bots, as soon as I am able, I will further utilize a few of their services. Bots like @treeplanter are the ones I prefer to use. Something that supports some kind of worthy cause. :)

I assume you know but you can convert your steem into sbd in the market.

Yep, I know :)

I like using you, and I'm about to use you again. :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.28
TRX 0.13
JST 0.032
BTC 61372.42
ETH 2928.56
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.66