My Passion, My Heart love for #promo-steem........A newbie Bringing a newbie even before she registered......STEEMIT still going VIRAL

in #promo-steem6 years ago

Holla People,

Today was awesome for me, after meet up with some newbies who were ready to make their first post, it was a joy ride home, coming from up town to down town where I live and awesome, beautiful experience happened. (2).jpg

I had this prompting in my heart to stop by a well known restaurant called GENESIS at a junction called LOCATION, this promptings became heavy as I quickly made a stop by, coming down from the car I recognized a family friend I haven't seen in many years, it was a really exciting moment for us, we exchanged pleasantries and got talking, I can't help it as I talk always about steemit nowadays, it's now my madness. Talking to her about what steemit is about, how her originality can be rewarded and how blogging can actually change her life, I gave her my testimony and how positively steemit has actually helped me. (3).jpg

It was the most shocking moment as she dragged me to see someone she would like to join, as at that time she hadn't registered but she was ready to bring someone else along, I got pretty excited about this because with this kind of passion and with her on-board I believe steemit promotion would go to another level.

She is the one that actually filmed this video when I was talking to her friend, finally she got registered and her friend with her, she chose @sukura for username, now they are waiting for the link to their passwords and can't wait to start blogging.

Talking to her friend Joel, he was so happy about the whole idea and he is so ready for this community, he actually made this statement:

What am I still doing on facebook when there is STEEMIT?

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Steemit is climbing higher heights daily, He is a leader in his church and has promised to give a platform for Steemit Promotion as soon as he receives his password and starts blogging. I am really in love with this newbies I got today, am sure to introduce him as soon as he receives his password.

Don't forget that I met them at the junction called LOCATION in the restaurant called GENESIS, it was fun and funny that they were at the right location where they started the genesis of their journey on STEEMIT

I am taking STEEM to the moon

I want to thank #promo-steem team @starkerz, @stephenkendal and @anarcotech for this is a result of the passion and motivation they have created in my heart for STEEMIT PROMOTION.

I remain @keban
Steemit Promoter.
Changing lives through STEEMIT



@keban nice work.
i love your promoting spirit...

you said you are taking STEEMIT to the moon. Just keep doing your good promoting stuff as usual..
That moon will be your starting point very soon.

Thank you @macjervis, we're all involved in this

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