see what happened after quiting my job because of steemit

in #promo-steem7 years ago (edited)


I hope you guys saw this post when i wanted your advise on wealther i should quit the job or not, those who didn't see it , u can check out this [link](

Honestly i risked and quieted my current job-because of steemit, Despite the fact that i was surrounded by great people in this life changing community i didn't feel like a fit for my skill yet

However i kept putting an effort to make the best of it ,i involved my self in learning more how cryptocurrency works and why it's different from other currencies.


They had given me a suspension of 1 week because of steeming while at work, so when one week ended i didn't bother to back to work again,
So 3days back i received a call from my former supervisor letting me know that my suspension days were over and she wanted me to know why I'm not reporting back at work, ''i told her i got another job on steemit''

The timing couldn't have been worse. I was finally getting my feet under me and beginning to feel comfortable with steemit and at the same i absolutely loved my previous job and they were offering me another opportunity to work again. and the fact that i had started feeling comfortable with steemit which is surrounded with people who i admire most like @jerrybanfield @suesa @sunnyshiny @bramd @skan @starkerz @mykos etc. I knew this was my one shot to land a full time on steemit.
I'd like to say it was a decision over 3 weeks , but it wasn't.
The second i hang up the phone because i knew I'd quit my steemit if i get back to my job.


while i may not have tormented myself with the actual discion ,preparing to have that dreaded conversation with my supervisor was entirely different angst inducing story. In fact i knew it'd even more unexpected for her because i didn't want to match into her office and blindside her,(and because i was scared to have a conversation with my boss) , i did something that was perhaps cowardly.
i sent her an email that evening that i needed to speak to her about quitting.
The next day we sat and explained the situation to her ,telling her how bad i felt about living so soon,i told her I'd staying in touch with her.
Honestly the conversation went surprisingly well,while she admitted she disappointed I'd be leaving.She was really supportive and encouraging and professional, i was relieved to have that peace of conversation with her.


Needless to say, i quieted my job, said goodbye to my supervisor and moved on with my steemit career,
I enjoyed my first week on my steemit.
Steemit is really interesting and satisfying, my fellow steemars in Uganda are damn awesome, @jaraumoses @yohan02 @battebilly @tesaganewton @musamalijames @sembozezade ,

However i'm now struck with worry that I'm not doing well enough (i have no evidence on this)Please tell me its normal to feel anxious after you've started a new job. Guys Steemit provides me the opportunity to try out new things, meet new people on like @stephernkendal @suesa @followbtcnews @dragosroua and one my best friends here @mykos and many more,
so my steemit job still remains challenging

I really really want to excel on steemit because its my job and I'm enjoying the work more than I've enjoyed any work have done before.

This week was the happiest I've had in years

I made my first withdraw yesterday and payed my rent fee for two months and remained with some upkeep in my pocket.
I see all kinds of possibilities for the future and this first withdraw inspired me to start writing again and doing my creative things on steemit.
I want to be the best newbie on steemit.
I feel like am working with people who are professionals that i can learn from and that they push me to take on new challenging things in life

The lesson have learned in this ;
''You always have to weigh out for yourself the pros and cons of risking. How much will I gain vs. how much can I afford to lose. The bottom line is that if you don't take risks in life, then you will be doing what everyone else is doing.''
Thank you guys for your support, see you in my next post.
i love you all
upvote follow resteem.gif


What makes me happy is the smile you had yesterday when you held your money in your own hands! Congrats bro
I will never forget that smiley face of yours....

I made my first withdraw yesterday and payed my rent fee for two months and remained with some upkeep in my pocket.

Keep up the hard work bro.

a good friend is someone who thinks you're an egg,even though they know you're slitly craked, i'm so proud of you my friend @jaraumoses,

This is super. Thanks for sharing the news!

Great to know that you can thrive on your Steemit earnings! Congratulations! I plan to get there some day.

I am happy it goes so well for you! Good luck with everything and I wish you all the best :)
// @sanktnico

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