Supporting @alaikaabdullah @beladro and @dokter-Purnama as Steem Ambassador Indonesia 🇮🇩

in #promo-steem6 years ago (edited)

I support @alaikaabdullah @beladro, and @ dokter-purnama as steem ambassador from Indonesia. Because all of them are very consistent in promote steemian in Indonesia, and they have a commitment in Steemit Indonesia Community to develope steemit for the future.

Steem-Ambassador Candidat of Indönesia

This is their profile: 3 Candidates Steem Ambassadors (Based on Account Letters)

1 | @alaikaabdullah [Alaika Abdullah]

Alaika, I knew her in 2006, when we worked together at Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR) Aceh-Nias. She is a human activist, who assist in helping the victims of the earthquake and tsunami of Aceh and Nias. She joined with several international NGOs in Aceh,
UNDP (United Nations Development Program), and BRR.


She is a professional blogger, a writer and from several events, a jury in writing competitions, and a speaker in creative and motivational life. Alaika ever achieved as Srikandi Blogger 2013 (queen of blogger contest), held by ACER Indonesia and KEB Community, 2013.

Alaika also joined in several community such as blogger community, author community, IT community, natural walking community, and Steemit Indonesia Community).


Alaika lives in Bandung, in her steemit profile, she mentioned her as Humanitarian Worker, Professional Blogger and Social Media Enthusiast. Joining steemit in January 2018, has 866 followers, post 1254 posts and the following 144. She has a blog:

Alaika will promote steemit for bloggers in Indonesia. He also sells steemit to friends in groups, Teach them directly about how to steemit, share steemit information for beginners, and mentraslate articles in Indonesian to shared to the community.***

2 | @beladro [Morenk Belado or Ahmad Mauladi]

@beladro, I knew him since long time ago, probably in 2001, when he was as a student in Yogyakarta. He is one of my best friend, and his company is my client.


He is a professional graphic designer, and lots of his designs are spread across Indonesia and over the world. Besides that, he is also as CEO of Morenk Design, founder of Beladro Coffee, Owner of Cangkir 9 Coffee house, Photograper, Coffee Lover, Art and Culture lover and as Gusdurian.

His designs are including books, magazines, movies, and logos. He is also a personal branding and corporate branding. Some of his creations won international contests.


@beladro lives in Jakarta, and joined steemit in January 2018., has 451 followers, posted 1018 posts and followed 529 follows. He did a lot of promo-steem because most of his friends visit to cangkir 9, where most of time he spent there. He is a friendly and familiar person with business, creative, social and religious groups. He could use graphic design skills to create visual and graphic video promotions to share with community members.***

3 | @ dokter-purnama (dr Purnama Setia Budi, Sp.Og]

I recently met and recognized him. It was when he became a speaker in "drinking Coffee with @dokterpurnama” at the MeetUp 2 Community of Steemit Indonesia Chapter Jakarta, April 10, 2018.


As a lawyer that often meet lots of people from various professions, including doctors, I have a deep impression about him. I think, he is so different from another doctor generally. When he first greeted me and we shook hands, I felt the impression of a friend who had not been met for a long time. so we immediately like A close friend.

“I'm not looking for prosperity here, but I just want to share here to anyone who did not get the access about steemit information, Purnama said.

Doctor Purnama lives in Aceh, joined in Steemit in August 2017, on his profile he mentioned as Gynecologist, Traveler and Photography Lover. He had 2011 followers, has posted 890 posts and follows 694 following.


Doctor Purnama has some concerns that he will be chosen as a steem ambassador, he will buy more steem power to help the community, make promo-steeems to all people in Indonesia, in cooperation with other steam ambassadors in curating the promo-steem postings, guiding the new steemian, do a steem promotion for the Indonesian government, strengthen the Bireuen Steemit Community (BSC), in cooperation with the Humanitarian Organization to assist people in Aceh, Indonesia, and participate in Smart Media Tokens (SMT)

Jakarta, Mei 2018

With ❤@jkfarza



Terimakasih bro @jkfarza atas supportnya yang luar biasa. Saya juga sangat berharap keahlian pengacara @jkfarza di bidang hukum adalah modal kuat untuk menjadi pengacara khusus bidang blockchain, dan bila Steemit makin berjaya di Indonesia, kita harap @ned akan menunjuk dirimu sebagai pengacara Steemit Indonesia 👍

Siap @steem-ambassador saya laksanakan!

Semoga cita-cita bang @jkfarza yang ingin memberi support ke teman dapat terkabul kan

Mohon dukunganmu bro dan semuanya untuk mereka. Lari kencang dan jangan pernah takut jatuh, good luck @rifqistem

Bang, many many thanks for your support. This is means a lots to me and I believe it also means a lots to Bang @beladro and dr. Purnama as well.

All the best for you, too, Bang! 💕

Alaika, you, @beladro and @ dokter-purnama can definitely cooperate for steemit development in Indonesia. I believe it. I hope, steemit in Indonesia will be very big🌹

Sukses buat smua ya :)

Hai @kakilasak, kapan meetup di medan. Aku dan @beladro mau hadir hehe. Sudah baca kisah @kemal13 kan? Mudah-mudahan kalian sukses besar ya dalam industri ini ☕️

This post has been upvoted by @steem-ambassador.

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