Promo-steem and our actions to help.steemCreated with Sketch.

Hello fellow Steemians!

Today we want to talk about our ideas on how we could make a world a better place with a help of steem community and promote steem on the way.

We will first start with telling about ourselves and then about our plans.


  • Our names are Yan and Juta and we are supermamazing couple
  • We come from a small village in Latvia called Ilukste
  • Currently we live in London UK
  • We are crazy about the idea to backpack around the world
  • We both love a big variety of extreme sports like skydiving, snowboarding, surfing, wakeboarding and so on
  • Most of all we love this pale blue dot in a vast cosmic arena called Earth and we care about it a lot.

In mid February 2018 we are going to start our backpacking journey around the world.

We have enough savings to do it for a long period of time, but hopefully we will never have to stop, the world is huge and we want to see all of its beauty.

On our journey we want to try and accomplish as many good deeds as possible, like cleaning the environment, helping some local schools and so on.

Recently we have seen a post by @anarcotech where he posted a video with him, @starkerz, @stephenkendal and @andrachy talking about steem promo and their initiative to have steem ambassadors who will promote steem around the world. We couldn't wish for a better opportunity, so we contacted @starkerz, laid him our ideas and possibilities and we got full support from him.

Matt, thank you for that, you can't even imagine how important it is.

Let's get to our ideas and what kind of help we might need on our path.

As beautiful the world is, humanity has put allot of effort to destroy it's beauty and we would like to do our best to reverse this process.

  • During our journey we will stop at many places that are full of plastic, rubbish and so on.
    We will do our best to clean it and make sure that all this waste is moved to where it belongs to. If we will have enough support, we will try and get locals to help us and pay them for their help.

  • We will get to very remote places where children have lack of education, so we would like to find a way to improve it through different donations like buying educational materials and if steem community will support us enough, we might even buy them computers. Everything is in your hands, or should I say, in your upvotes.

  • We have DJI Mavic pro drone, Sony A7RII camera and GoPro with all the necessary accessories. Everything will be filmed with steem promotional materials in them, so you will have all the proof of our actions, including reports on how the money is spent. Hopefully this will spread the word around the world on how steemit community is making world a better place.

  • As extreme sports lovers, we will skydive, surf, dive and even get to the top of few mountains, so we will take steem flag to the sky, water , ground and top of the mountains. Well , wherever we can take it to.

  • As backpackers we will meet thousands of people on our path and we will talk to them about Steemit and Steem ecosystem. Maybe they will join us in our actions and it would be absolutely great!

What we need?

  • We need help with design of flags that we will take with us, design of t-shirts and hoodies that we will be wearing and anything that in your opinion will help to promote Steem and can be packed in a backpack. And of course, once we will start these activities in few months, we will need your support.

If you have any ideas on how to make it better and more effective, if there is anything that will be able to help us with this task, please comment bellow and let's discuss it. We have only two months to prepare.

Sincerely , Extreme romance


This is So awesome!! Love it! @stephenkendal, I will have a chat with these amazing steemians about their proposal tomorrow. It would be good to follow up with you on this either prior to, during or after the call to see how we can lend support to this! it could be great, I think we can support with apparel and designs, but also with a little help to promote this amazing sounding tour! STEEMON!

Thanks a lot for your support @starkerz! Can't wait to start preparing this whole amazing thing. Looking forward to see you!

What great plans you have! I will be following your journey, because one day soon I'm hoping to do a similar thing with my family. I have just begun to get promo material together to promote steemit here in Ireland and on Facebook, but like you said: the world is a huge place and not enough Steemians to go around. I wish you an amazing time and Steem on!

Thank you very much! Everyone who is putting his effort to promote steemit is doing a great and very valuable job, so good luck with your promoting quest. We truly hope that you will succeed with your goals.

Thank you. I am working on it :) The Facebook group is slowly getting somewhere and I just ordered a brand new printer to print promotional material. I was waiting to generate some funds to have it printed, but realised that it was cheaper to do it myself instead of spending huge amounts in one go. There is also a lot to be taught here about crypto, and since both crypto and steemit are my two biggest obsessions at the moment, I think it should be fine. :) And you also good luck on your quest and I wish you an awesome time on your travels!!! Hopefully soon, my kids and I will follow your example! I'll have a full promo team :D

Steemit is an awesome comunity , i try to the my best in steemit promotion
i invited more than 600 persons to join steemit and create a great facebook group with more then 2000 actives users.

Great job! These type of activities bring value to steem, so keep doing it!

Thank you for Using #promo-steem tag, Promote steemit by inviting your friends and your family!

OMG, you are Latvians!? I didn't know! That's amazing! Sekosim līdzi jūsu fantastiskajam ceļojumam!! :)

Liels paldies! Arī mēs ar prieku sekosim jums! :)

you are so love filled, the brim! enjoy your journey and stop by south Africa, where you welcome to look me up for guidance and advice on traveling in Africa! and thank you for picking up the rubbish!

Thanks allot! We truly hope that we will manage to get to South Africa, when we will , we will definitely contact you. That is the smallest thing we can do for our planet, we hope that others will follow and do the same.

I find it to be amazing ! You are going to do a great job!
With all this plans you have I would recommend Costa Rica to be included in your campaign. There’s a lot of things to be done... it is a beautiful country and you can surf , parasail , paddle board, do zip lining, atv, and so many other fun stuff. You could do beach clean ups, help people with no resources... teach English and many other things.. including promoting Steemit.

If you happen to decide on CR let me know!! Maybe i can join your guys for a while!

Thanks allot for the info. Costa Rica is one of our dream destinations, so we will do our best to get there, but the world is big and it will take some time. We will definitely message you when we will be in CR. Thanks for your support!

Off course! i know you would love it here. Hit me up if you do! ;)

i can't wait to see all those posts about your trip and your campaing!

This is very good initiative you have there. There is no joy that is greater than the one that comes when you give. Thank you very much for sharing with us.

You are absolutely right my friend! That is why we are going to do it. Thank you for your support!

My pleasure friend

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