How do I get inspired?

in #promo-steem6 years ago

Writing of post is the most demanding task on steemit. At times, it flow out freely from us and we find it so difficult to write a single line at some other time.

Even,the born writers struggle to write some times as well. To be at your best when it comes to writing, you have to do the extra others cannot do

Some days, you will have a nice idea in your heart, but putting it down to form a meaningful content become a complicated task to accomplish

At other times, you have the contents in your mind, but thinking of the right topic would cost you the whole day.

The most annoying part of it is when you are not inspired at all, nothing is crossing your mind. When you feal empty from within, I know a lot of us have been here before, all what will matter to us at such time is to have just an idea, but they won't come.

How do we stay out of this problem? That is what this post is all about.

These are my pathways to get inspiration when I am empty.

  1. Take some time our : It is a usual practice to start worrying ourselves on what to write whenever we felt empty, but our worrying would keep drifting us away from the realm of inspiration. So, when you are faced with such challenge, the best thing you can do is to take some time out. Put steemit or whatever you want to write on at side, put your attention on some other things that interest you. If you love music, get yourself some beautiful musics, if it is movie or some other interesting things, try and engage yourself in them, this would give you a recharged mind that can catch inspirations even when they flash through your mind.


  1. Go to sleep : This is one of my trick while in school, when I am reading and it seems I am comprehending what I am reading, it is either I go to sleep or I go to watch football. Sleeping would help in discharging the meaningless thought that occupied your heart, it would be refreshed by the time you wake up. Allow your system to rest, don't allow yourself to be thinking of some other things when you are sleeping, waking up from such a sleep would give you a magnetic mind that can receive and process ideas


  1. take time to read : A good writer they say must be a good reader, we get a lot of inspirations while reading from others. It exposes us to what we don't know before. Your mind as a writer would always want to process every new ideas that comes into it, and this can help you to reproduce whatever you have read in a new and unique ways. Get some authors of whom works you like, read from them and get yourself inspired. A lazy reader can not last in writing. Don't be limited to only the little you know, get inspiration from others as well, this would make you to become the better version of you.

  2. Don't go out without a writing pad : This is another important part of a writer, we can get inspiration anywhere and any time. Though, there are some people that got inspired by maintaining a particular posture, probably by lying or through a particular siting style. But generally speaking, ideas crosses our minds any time and any where. When those ideas comes, take your time to put them down. You can't remember everything, even if you end up remembering them, it won't be like the one that crossed your mind. The originality won't be there again. I do make this mistakes until of resent when I started putting things down. You can write them on your phone note or anywhere you can easily access them, this would help you to always be on top of the game.


  1. Don't overlook any idea : This might not be applicable to other area, but it is very essential on steemit. At times, you spend hours writing an article and you get something close to nothing as reward for such an article, and at some other time, you just do a free style that don't even take you time, and you get something meaningful out of it. Without any further explanation, I'm sure you can understand the fact that all ideas are valuable, don't overlook them.


Wow! Let me stop here, I want to read from you as well, let's rub mind together, what other thing do you do to get inspired? Share yours with me too in the comment box below

Thanks for reading through.......


Very true @emmakkayluv, thanks for sharing this. Nice steemit tips you spelled out as well. Steemon!

Thank you for your time, let's steemon together. Smile

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