Daen's Today #2 : I Do Not Regret Working on My Rest Day (Promote Steemit)

in #promo-steem7 years ago

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Hello, steemian.
Actually today I'm still on my rest day after my night shift over two days ago. But I had to keep going to the hospital to replace my friend's morning shift. She could not attend because she took the day off for a few days. Being a nurse should be like this, sometimes we have to keep coming to the hospital outside the scheduled shift. Help each other if a co-worker is unable to attend.

Like the days before, I went to the hospital on a motorbike. This morning on the street was quiet, it was common on Saturday because most of the workers in this area came from other regions so Friday afternoon they had returned to their areas. This morning weather was cloudy and windy, but that's okay, I was wearing a jacket.

Arriving at the hospital, the atmosphere here is also quiet. There were only a few people in every hospital corridor. Usually (on weekdays) very many people roam the hospital environment. Like nurses who push patients into the operating room, the patient's family sitting in front of the hospital room, the security of the hospital around the neighborhood, and the hospital management who walks into each room to do the survey. Anyway if the working day here the atmosphere is not empty. I immediately set foot in my room.




In front of my room, there was something strange that I saw. The seat in the front garden room also quiet. Usually, if there are patients who are treated in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and High Care Unit (HCU) rooms, there must be patient's families that sit waiting in this park. But this morning there was none. "Is there no patient in the room?" I asked myself.

Place the patient's family used to sit (wait)

My hunch was right. There were no patients in the room. There were only two people in the room. They were my co-workers on the shift this morning.

Promote Steemit to Coworkers

What do you want to do when you have free time during your working hours? Yes, in your working hours. Playing games that are on your android, sleeping in your restroom, calling people, or going to the cafeteria to buy snacks or drinking coffee? Whatever it is, it's your choice.

Sometimes we are very happy to have free time during working hours. Sometimes also the spare time makes us bored because we do not know what to do. Instead of wasting my time, I ventured to promote Steemit to my two co-workers (at least as long as no new patients have entered). They are Eka and Marhami. They are also nurses.

Actually, this is not the first time I invite my colleagues to join in steemit. I've tried several times. But they are not enthusiastic. They are unsure of the success that can be achieved through steemit, and some even think this steemit is like a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) business.

Probably because I'm also not good at talking so they think like that. But I do not give up, I still want to help people, I am happy to see other people can be successful, I am happy if the person I join in steemit can help other people's life also later. Because I know success can be achieved through steemit.

Eka is registering on steemit.com via a browser on her mobile

Registration that Eka did this morning a little disturbed because the condition of the mobile network is not good. Some days the weather conditions in Calang, Aceh Jaya district often rain so affect the speed of cellular networks.


According to Eka Steemit is a very good social media because it can make money. This can be a new source of income. Eka also added this steemit should be popularized to all circles because there are still many people who do not know this steemit.

I think I do not regret coming to the hospital even though today I work outside of my working hours. Although my reputation at steemit is still low but I am happy to be able to promote steemit to others.

May all steemians be patient, still eager to learn and spread well through steemit.

Warm regards,

I realized that my effort to get people to know about steemit is not as good as what the Indonesian curator has done, they are @aiqabrago and @levycore, but I do love to be part of their big mission

[Bahasa Indonesia]
Halo steemian.
Sebenarnya hari ini saya masih libur kerja setelah naik piket malam dua hari yang lalu. Tetapi saya harus tetap pergi ke rumah sakit untuk menggantikan piket pagi teman. Dia tidak bisa hadir karena mengambil libur untuk beberapa hari. Menjadi seorang perawat ya harus begini, terkadang kami harus tetap datang ke rumah sakit di luar jadwal shift yang sudah ditentukan. Saling tolong menolong jika ada rekan kerja yang berhalangan untuk hadir.

Seperti hari-hari sebelumnya saya pergi ke rumah sakit menggunakan sepeda motor. Pagi tadi suasana di jalan tampak sepi, hal ini biasa terjadi di hari sabtu, karena kebanyakan pekerja di daerah ini berasal dari daerah lain jadi hari jumat sore mereka sudah kembali ke daerahnya masing-masing. Cuaca pagi ini mendung dan berangin, tetapi tidak apa, saya mengenakan jaket.

Sampai di rumah sakit, suasana di sana juga sepi. Hanya terlihat beberapa orang di setiap koridor rumah sakit. Padahal biasanya (di hari kerja) sangat banyak orang mondar-mandir di rumah sakit. Seperti perawat yang mendorong pasien ke ruang operasi, keluarga pasien yang duduk di depan ruang rawat, tim keamaan rumah sakit yang berkeliling di sekitaran rumah sakit, dan pihak manajemen rumah sakit yang jalan ke tiap-tiap ruangan untuk melakukan survei. Pokoknya kalau hari kerja suasana di sini tidak sepi. Saya pun segera melangkahkan kaki menuju ruangan saya.




Sampai di depan ruangan, ada hal aneh yang saya lihat. Tempat duduk di taman depan ruangan juga sepi. Biasanya kalau ada pasien yang di rawat di ruangan Intensive Care Unit (ICU) dan High Care Unit (HCU), pasti ada keluarga pasien yang duduk menunggu di taman ini. Tapi tadi pagi tidak ada. "Apakah tidak ada pasien di ruangan?" tanya saya dalam hati.

Tempat duduk (menunggu) keluarga pasien

Firasat saya benar. Tidak ada pasien di ruangan. Cuma ada dua orang di dalam ruangan. Mereka rekan kerja saya di shift pagi tadi.

Mempromosikan Steemit kepada Rekan Kerja

Apa yang ingin anda lakukan ketika ada waktu kosong di jam kerja? Ya, di jam kerja anda. Main game yang ada di dalam android anda, tidur di ruang istirahat, menelepon, atau pergi ke kantin untuk membeli makanan ringan atau minum kopi? Apapun itu, itu pilihan anda.

Kadang kita sangat senang punya waktu luang di saat jam kerja. Kadang juga waktu luang itu membuat kita bosan, karena kita tidak tahu harus berbuat apa.

Daripada waktu terbuang percuma, saya beranikan diri untuk mempromosikan steemit kepada dua orang rekan kerja saya (setidaknya selama belum ada pasien baru yang masuk). Eka dan Marhami. Mereka juga perawat.

Sebenarnya ini bukan kali pertama saya mengajak rekan kerja untuk bergabung di steemit. Sudah pernah saya coba beberapa kali. Tetapi mereka tidak antusias menanggapinya. Mereka ragu dengan kesuksesan yang bisa diraih melalui steemit, bahkan ada yang berpikir steemit ini seperti bisnis Multi-Level Marketing (MLM).

Mungkin karena saya juga tidak pintar dalam berbicara sehingga mereka berpikir seperti itu. Tapi saya tidak menyerah, saya masih ingin menolong orang, saya senang melihat orang lain bisa sukses, saya bahagia jika orang yang saya ajak bergabung di steemit bisa membantu kehidupan orang lain juga nantinya. Karena saya tahu kesuksesan bisa dicapai melalui steemit.

Eka sedang mendaftar di steemit.com melalui browser di handphone nya

Pendaftaran yang Eka lakukan tadi pagi sedikit terganggu karena kondisi jaringan selular sedang tidak baik. Beberapa hari ini kondisi cuaca di Calang, Kabupaten Aceh Jaya sering hujan jadi mempengaruhi kecepatan jaringan selular.


Menurut Eka steemit merupakan media sosial yang sangat bagus karena bisa menghasilkan uang. Ini bisa menjadi sumber penghasilan yang baru. Eka juga menambahkan steemit ini masih harus dipopulerkan ke semua kalangan karena masih banyak juga orang yang belum mengetahui.

Saya pikir saya tidak menyesal datang ke rumah sakit walaupun hari ini saya bekerja di luar jam kerja saya. Meskipun reputasi saya di steemit masih rendah tetapi saya senang bisa mempromosikan steemit kepada orang lain.

Semoga semua steemian masih sabar, masih semangat belajar dan menyebarkan kebaikan melalui steemit.

Salam hangat,

Saya menyadari bahwa usaha saya untuk membuat orang tahu tentang steemit tidak sebaik yang telah dilakukan kurator Indonesia, mereka adalah @aiqabrago dan @levycore, namun saya senang menjadi bagian dari misi besar mereka


Beuh, keren x guys

Terima kasih bro. Mudah-mudahan usaha kecil kita mengantarkan kita dan orang lain sukses bro.

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by daentepi from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, someguy123, neoxian, followbtcnews, and netuoso. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows. Please find us at the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

If you would like to delegate to the Minnow Support Project you can do so by clicking on the following links: 50SP, 100SP, 250SP, 500SP, 1000SP, 5000SP.
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