My Steemit Promotion: growth in block

in #promo-steem6 years ago (edited)
I want to share with you the dysfunction that I am doing 3 days a week throughout my state, of my project that receives the name of blockchain academy anzoategui, this project of the hand of steemit is changing life worldwide and boosting new talents, it is always important to have support from a guiding hand that I did not have when I started in June of 2017, so in this opportunity I want to give back to the new income of this platform all the blessings I have received in recent months from Steemit, that is why I designed a project with my partner @ jonsnow1983 which we focused on going to the community and companies to generate their own income and thus have an economic support to respond to the problems that are presented which are many in the Venezuela of today.

In this opportunity we were visiting an important financial institution which welcomed us with open arms. We were making known the meaning of this platform, its vision, objectives and mission, we could not leave out the blokchain technology. In general terms there was not a participant in the conference who came out unhappy about it, quite the contrary the motivation was felt as well as the good vibes from beginning to end.

It is vital to point the way to a new entry in the platform, let's make the analogy with a teenager when he starts his independent walk if you do not do it in time and do not educate him in the right way very difficult to achieve the path to success in life in that way it happens in this technology. Many participants asked themselves where does this money come from? We responded by arguing about trust. What is Steemit? Smiling we answered the lifeguard to everyone's problems.

The current problem that Venezuela is experiencing is known worldwide and the arrival of blockchain technology to this country can become the lifeline to all its problems, it has the main reliability feature since all transactions are freely disclosed, and to be applied correctly we will have a solution to the problems of hyperinflation that we live in Venezuela today, basically this was our induction, in the coming days we will continue to provide more details throughout our state territory

I close by thanking God that without nothing is possible I quote this biblical text that refers to the message we want to convey.

Deuteronomy 15:10 With generosity you will give him, and it will not hurt your heart when you give him, since the LORD your God will bless you for this in all your work and in everything you undertake.

fondo de arnaldo.jpg


Grande amigo! Tenemos el deber de promover steemit. En estos duros tiempos que se avecina, Steemit podría ser un salvavidas!

Es cierto mi estimado amigo debemos de hacer lo mejor para que nuestra comunidad valla creciendo cada día más y más...

afirmativo compañero seguiremos trabajando.

felicitaciones amigo sigue adelante

Very well done @arnaldomcr12, it is always good to give of grace what grace we have received.

affirmative sister, what joy that each day more brothers arrive to walk in the same direction.

That's the way bro, keep going!

thank you we are to serve brother

Felicitaciones amigo, que sigan innovando.

buena iniciativa amigo y al lado del compañero @jonsnow1983 sigan así y cuentan con todo mi apoyo!

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