Using the #promo-steem message to bring investors onto the platform

in #promo-steem7 years ago

Investors really want to understand where to put their money. It's our job to educate them


There are literally now thousands of people out there promoting Steemit and the STEEM blockchain. And every single one of them is a voluntaryist. None of them are corporate drones. Each one brings a slightly different message, unique ideas and thoughts about what this Steem thing is, and all have a range of different talents and skills.

And seeing the massive growth of the #promo-steem tag, especially since the start of 2018, has really got me excited to bring about the next stage.

I've been spending some time recently with some pretty high net worth individuals, and watching their faces as they start to grasp what the STEEM blockchain really is, and it's potential.

  • Last week, I was taken for a spin in a Ferrari, and had a chat about using the STEEM blockchain to make connections in the coffee world.

  • Today, I've been explaining to a business owner/investor about how to leverege the power of the blockchain for business.

  • Later on this week, I will be discussing investment packages for VIP clients with a very senior investment manager at one of the UKs biggest wealth management companies.

  • And of course, the #promo-steem core team is going to be at the London Cryptocurrency Show on April 14th. Get your ticket here

One of the things that comes out time and time again when I speak to these people is that they really want to understand blockchain, and what the potentials are, but the amount of information out there is just too much for them to take it all in, especially if they aren't the most techie-minded people.

But they really want to know. Oh my God, do they want to know.

They literally are desperate to invest in this thing they sort of get the sense will be a great investment, but they just can't quite wrap their heads around what it is, or why it's going to change the world.

And part of that is for the most part, with most cryptocurrencies, investors are only thinking about them as a speculative commodity. When I ask them why they are buying a certain crypto, my experience is that most of the time they don't really know. Believe it or not, many people who are coming into the space are pretty green about the technology. But this is where the real power lies...Because they don't know, it is fascinating to them when I start telling the STEEM story.

The STEEM story can be told in many ways. But my favourite is to use a metaphor.

Imagine that you could choose a car. Any car you wanted. It's yours. For me, I'm having a Tesla model S all day long. Others might choose a Lambourghini, a Bentley, a Range Rover, a Hummer. Funnily enough, everyone wants to get the cool, fast as lightening, supercar with performance that if you took it to the limit would just scare the pants off you.

Steem is the worlds number one cryptocurrency

Nobody ever chooses the knackered looking 1970's Lada.

So, when thinking about investing in something as arcane and new as blockchain tech, do people want to put their money into some creaky network that nobody really understands, and which has a userbase of a couple of thousand hardcore basement techies, and which costs $10 to do a transaction with?

Or do you want to invest in the one blockchain that's accounting for about half of all blockchain transactions on the planet? In fact, it did more transactions last week than the next 6 biggest cryptos put together (Bitcoin, Bitshares, Ethereum, Golos, Litecoin and Ethereum Classic). Oh did I mention it's hardly broken a sweat in terms of capacity, whilst some of these others are starting to fizz with the load that's on their network?


Do you want to shovel your money in with every other green investor, who are trying to time the hugely volatile Bitcoin trades just right? Or would you prefer to put your money into something that's slowly in the background starting to make a massive difference to peoples lives all around the world, and is growing nicely without being at all bubbly.

Furthermore, this platform is completely free to use. It has the added benefit of rewarding those people who actively engage with it, and it's got hundreds of examples of cool applications which have already been developed?

And if that wasn't enough, then I tell them what it's doing around the world, especially in developing nations. I'm seeing the massive potential of STEEM to power amazing social projects which disrupt the old fashioned centralised way of doing anything, which is normally wait until the government chucks a shit ton of money at a project, most of which will be swallowed up by consultants fees, and end up going over budget three times over before being dumped for being a waste of money.

The #promo-steem movement is demonstrating a whole new movement growing, that of the voluntaryist. We are effectively creating our own wealth, through the ideas and creativity we bring to life, through supporting one another, and through simply showing that we can add value to the blockchain.

Investors aren't dumb, but they do need help and encouragement to go and choose to find out more about the blockchain. Like we all did. Some will dive headlong into it, learning everything they can. Others simply want to be pointed in the right direction and get some guidance.

One thing that I find very common is that a lot of investors have a social conscience. They want to give something back to the world. And the #promo-steem movement is part of that. We are one of the fastest growing communities here on the STEEM blockchain. We have so many people who are engaged in voluntaryist activities. And we are seeing the reward of that being that it's improving standards of living for people all around the world.

That is something investors would like to be involved in. It's cool. It's profitable. And it can help them feel good because it actually is making a difference in peoples' lives. Let me tell you, they want it!!!

Probably everyone here on the Steemit platform has more of a clue about cryptocurrency and blockchain than 99.9% of the rest of the planet. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are the early adopters. Whoo hoo. Go us. We are the ones who are going to benefit the most.

We need new users, but we also need new money to come into the platform too. Investors drive the price higher. They create demand. They lock their STEEM up and delegate it out, to projects like #promo-steem, and many other brilliant ones on the platform.

If you want to see the value of your STEEM grow, and I think pretty much all of us do, then we need to get those investors to come into the ecosystem as well.

So my advice to everyone is that it's really up to all of us to start thinking about how we describe the platform to these people, how to give them a flavour for why they should come here, why they should buy STEEM and why they should think about whether they want to be active steemians, or passive ones. And if they are happy to be passive, encourage them to delegate their influence to a project like this.

Love, light and laughter. Anarcotech x



Really good post - which is naturally sparking lots of ideas. Steemit presents a great opportunity to demonstrate a real life "use case" for blockchain technology which is changing lives. Being able to show the evidence to investors will make a difference and the London Crypto Currency Show is ideal for this. When the evidence of the Steemit use case is coupled with the capacity in the steem blockchain, transaction speeds and low fees then the STEEM currency has to be in a seriously good position to attract investment. At Feb 2018 we are at the beginning of a global transformation - businesses are looking at the blockchain innovation cycle with a level of considered interest. Many sectors will be researching proof of concepts for blockchain technology now - possibly with financial services and distribution sectors leading the way and more to follow over the next 12-24 months.

thanks CC. I quite agree. Although it would be great if we could see HSBC crumble into the pile of dog turd it really is before this happens.

You are right sir

If you want to see the value of your STEEM grow, and I think pretty much all of us do, then we need to get those investors to come into the ecosystem as well.

The more investors we have the more the price will grow, the more the price, the more our vote worth. We must bring in investors, this is what am currently working on, strategically i am doing my promotions in areas where I can get potential investors.

I'm sure with you it will be a great success Sami.

Thank You Sir

I didn't know steem was doing this good.
Well anyhow, that's a great initiative to further the progress of steem.
#promo-steem looks like the way to go.
I would've tried myself but nobody would be interested in buying crypto here.
They probably haven't even heard of it yet

Where are you in the world? If you've heard of it, then others will have too surely. And if they haven't, well you have a phenomenal opportunity to be the go to guy in your region.... be the person that everyone wants to talk to because you've turned them on to it.

I live in Kashmir, India and I heard about steemit via a friend who lives outside Kashmir..
I'm trying to promote steem here to my friends .
I talked to so many people and not a single one knew about it. So yes, we're pretty behind on the tech stuff..
Investing will only scare people away right now.

I have been thinking about this for a while, at truly need more investors coming in to the platform and am thinking of a way to getting these investors, I am actually finding my way to starting a radio program here in Nigeria and it'll be all about promoting steemit and using the medium to attract investors, I'LL be doing this with @samiwhyte, our plans are still going on, with investors the price of steem will really go to the moon. Thanks for the motivation.

We are making progress already

I am actually finding my way to starting a radio program here in Nigeria and it'll be all about promoting steemit and using the medium to attract investors, I'LL be doing this with @samiwhyte, our plans are still going on.

I hope it goes well, we will be on air, promoting steemit and watch as the investors call in.

Brilliant. Keep us posted with how it goes. I'd be very keen to hear your radio show. I did one myself a couple of years ago, on an economics programme. It blew their minds when I started talking about how the central banks were a bunch of manipulating, criminal bastards, and how smart people should start looking at alternatives like cryptocurrencies. There's a lot of message to be got out, and radio is a good way to do it.

This definitely gonna blow peoples mind

I am actually finding my way to starting a radio program here in Nigeria and it'll be all about promoting steemit and using the medium to attract investors, I'LL be doing this with @samiwhyte, our plans are still going on.

I really love the way you guys do things, promo-UK are always the lead, we will blow their minds here too if we succeed in getting on air.

Wow, that's really sweet, we're working on it and we'll keep you informed on it. Thank you.

I want to know a little story about start steem, may be a motivation for us, thank you

We really have to make steem the best and most attractive place for bisiness men..thanks for this @anarcotech

good post friends.
i am promoting steemit in aceh indonesia.
if you have time take a look at my blog about promo-steem

If you are mixing crypto and coffee shops - you're onto a good thing indeed.

Thanks you, nice post @anarcotech

Hahahaha smart analogy. I love it. Right on it...we are doing this together.

Nice speech bro

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