Mastering Prolog: Expert Solutions to Complex Assignments

Are you struggling with your Prolog assignments? Does the thought of writing Prolog code make you break out in a cold sweat? Fear not, for your Prolog problems are about to meet their match! Welcome to, your one-stop destination for expert assistance with Prolog assignments. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, our team of seasoned professionals is here to guide you through the intricacies of Prolog programming. So, if you find yourself grappling with Prolog queries, simply say, "write my Prolog assignment," and let us handle the rest. In this post, we'll delve into a couple of master-level Prolog questions along with their solutions, curated by our expert team.

Question 1: Finding All Paths in a Graph

Consider a directed graph represented as a list of edges. Your task is to write a Prolog predicate path(X, Y, Path) that finds all possible paths from node X to node Y in the graph.


% Base case: There is a direct edge from X to Y
path(X, Y, [X,Y]) :- edge(X, Y).

% Recursive case: There is an edge from X to some intermediate node Z,
% and there exists a path from Z to Y.
path(X, Y, [X|Path]) :-
    edge(X, Z),
    path(Z, Y, Path),
    \+ member(X, Path). % Ensure no cycles in the path


  • The first clause defines the base case: if there is a direct edge from X to Y, the path consists of just those two nodes.
  • The second clause defines the recursive case: there exists an edge from X to some intermediate node Z, and there exists a path from Z to Y. The member(X, Path) check ensures that there are no cycles in the path.

Example Usage:

% Define the graph
edge(a, b).
edge(a, c).
edge(b, d).
edge(c, d).
edge(d, e).

% Query for all paths from a to e
?- path(a, e, Path).

Question 2: Implementing Merge Sort in Prolog

Write a Prolog predicate merge_sort(List, Sorted) that sorts a list using the merge sort algorithm.


merge_sort([], []). % Base case: an empty list is already sorted
merge_sort([X], [X]). % Base case: a single-element list is already sorted
merge_sort(List, Sorted) :-
    length(List, Len),
    Len > 1,
    split(List, Len//2, Left, Right), % Split the list into two halves
    merge_sort(Left, LeftSorted), % Recursively sort the left half
    merge_sort(Right, RightSorted), % Recursively sort the right half
    merge(LeftSorted, RightSorted, Sorted). % Merge the sorted halves

% Split a list into two halves
split(List, N, Left, Right) :-
    length(Left, N),
    append(Left, Right, List).

% Merge two sorted lists
merge([], Right, Right).
merge(Left, [], Left).
merge([X|LeftRest], [Y|RightRest], [X|MergedRest]) :-
    X =< Y,
    merge(LeftRest, [Y|RightRest], MergedRest).
merge([X|LeftRest], [Y|RightRest], [Y|MergedRest]) :-
    X > Y,
    merge([X|LeftRest], RightRest, MergedRest).


  • merge_sort/2 recursively splits the list into halves until it reaches base cases (empty list or single-element list), then merges them back together in sorted order using the merge/3 predicate.
  • split/4 splits a list into two halves by creating two lists of specified lengths.
  • merge/3 merges two sorted lists together into one sorted list.

Example Usage:

?- merge_sort([3,1,4,1,5,9,2,6,5], Sorted).


Mastering Prolog requires not only understanding its syntax but also grasping its unique approach to problem-solving. With the right guidance and practice, you can conquer even the most challenging Prolog assignments. At, we're dedicated to providing you with the expert assistance you need to excel in Prolog programming. So, don't hesitate to reach out and say, "write my Prolog assignment," and let us help you unlock the secrets of Prolog mastery.


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