Why Wait For SMT's? Make It Happen Now!

in #projects6 years ago


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In a conversation last night with fellow Steemians in The Alliance chat room I mentioned how people getting ready for projects that plan on incorporating Smart Media Tokens (SMT) can use Byteball as a method to get the ball rolling!

Many Steemians are already attested with their user names and likewise already have a Byteball wallet, which means that the infrastructure is already there as far as payments and transparency of transactions goes.

To add to that, Byteball already has a "subtoken" option available to one and all, so any of the project managers looking at incorporating SMTs can easily use those to start awarding tokens to Steemians and when the day comes that SMTs are released, just use the information there and transfer it to their SMT.
i.e. convert/exchange the alt tokens from Byteball to the SMT (as one of the options), or add SMTs and reward users with SMTs too, "double the money" so to say!

I am sure that with all the creative minds out there starting up projects with a plan to incorporate SMTs that there shall be many more interesting ways that can be brought about to make things happen.

Personally, I feel that it is a shame to see all these options that are available to Steemians not get utilized in a proactive and constructive manner.

The fact that we are all "attested" (registered) and have Byteball wallets means that Steemians can have the bst of both worlds, with everything that Byteball has to offer + everything that Steem has to offer.

I'm throwing this out there so as to get people thinking out of the box and to use what we already have to make new projects move forwards and not "sit there waiting for SMTs".

I will put the relevant link to their subtoken/altcoin option at the bottom of this post.

For those of us Steemians who have not yet attested their Steem accounts and collected the Byteball airdrop, here is my referral link, simply click on it and follow the instructions as per the best post out there on the topic goes (linked below).


Note: you need to use a referral link so as to be able to collect the airdrop (if applicable).

I hope that this little piece of information can get people thinking proactively and constructively, as well as get things moving as far as all the great ideas that people have for our up coming SMTs. (ETA March 2019).

Relevant links:

Byteball attestation link for those who haven't yet attested their Steem accounts:


Post with step by step instructions on how to complete the attestation of your Steem account:


PS. Have no fear, all confirmations are completed by Steemconnect, hence you have absolutely NOTHING to worry about.

Link to the Byteball altcoin/subtoken option for those interested in it:


I sincerely believe that we can use our Byteball wallets and their market options a lot more and with so many Steemians already attested and in possession of a Byteball wallet it is a shame not to use what we have available to help make our dreams and projects come to life ASAP!

Why wait?

If you have a plan GO 4 IT, the tools are there, ready and waiting, make it happen!

Always trying to think in a proactive and constructive manner,

yours truly


This is really a brilliant idea! Kudos for coming up with this, and it will be exciting to see if someone grabs the idea and runs with it! 🙂

This is brilliant! You Jack are full of great ideas!

See this is why I like reading dev posts, it opens our eyes to those who are more "marketing focused". I´ll make sure to PM you soon, if you are available I´d like to have a word man.

Any time, look forward to it.

Thank You @jackmiller and Yes I have a Byteball Account and I actually did a TRADE for Steem with you earlier this Year with my Byteballs................

I remember, thanks for the business.

I am sure that if people with "ideas" that involve SMTs read this, that it could get that light bulb shining bright above their heads and hopefully get things moving forwards without waiting on "others"!

and moments later Ned posts this:


yet another reason to utilize what we have available via our attested Steem accounts and Byteball wallets!

This sounds like a common sense approach. Would be preferable to using an erc token as an intermediate step i think.

Posted using Partiko Android

ERC tokens = NO COMMENT!

They just don't have the "balls" and the amount of "gas" needed there, damn, wouldn't want to be in that room!

Plus here we have it all already set up, ready to go with the airdrop/attestation.

So many options available to us with that, yet from what I see, it isn't being put to good use, or maybe idk what all is in the works.

Dare say it is a shame not to use the tools and options that are available to Steemians and even more painful to read about all the wonderful projects "on hold" because of "others".

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Mmm why not also just a bit closer to home whaleshares has in a way proven blochchain interoperability via bitshares. The tokens are there can be publicly traded or even whitelisted so you control who has them and that then gets used similar or in more creative ways than they are doing with their tokens currently summoning votes. Very botty but it can be reinvented to be less needy baby greedy baby.

Posted using Partiko Android

Up to the project managers I guess.

I am sure that there are many options out there, however with this option Steemians are already atttested with usernames from Steem. I see that as a great advantage all on its own.

Plus the fact that all the code is open source, including but not limited to the apps, again something that is exceptionally useful for those who wish to interconnect the two blockchains.

Plus "smart contracts" can be done on Byteball without any complications, as was proven to all of us with the airdrop, hence another feature that could be utilized.

I am sure that Whaleshares has its positive points to offer too, however why not look at all the options available to Steem and Steemians, including but not limited to this one which literally has all the makings of an excellent solution that can be used with our existing Steem accounts (usernames).

  • very versatile & easy to use wallets, with no need to register on any other site or trading platform etc.

I'm not "taking sides", just saying it as it is, with the hope that people see that the options are definitely already out there.

Sometimes the solutions can be right in front of our noses, yet all it may take for some to see them is to mention it, so I did.


I agree no sides just what is the best considering available options. I will look into byteball more also since I only know that I have it on my pc other than that it is like any other crypto to me pretty useless right now it seems. Thanx for the breakdown it does seem like a solid option.

Posted using Partiko Android

Check out the wallet "chat bots", you already have the option to purchase Byteballs with your credit/debit cards, purchase flight insurance and various other options. Likewise some are already using these options for "airdrops".

Literally a very interesting option out there, plus not to mention that their limited supply and stats are rather "interesting" as far as "numbers" go.

They have already survived all the "initial teething phases", so it isn't something "new" on the market, which definitely adds a sense of "relief" as one has a history to view and review. Which was all non dependent on the "social networking" side of things, hence Steem could become the "social networking branch" of Byteball too.

Recently they have invested into a change of name, doing it professionally, by contracting out a reliable marketing firm and having the owners/investors list their suggestions, then put that list down to 100 and then all the way to what the final vote shall be. A very professional and open/transparent way of making a decision that should be by the community and not by "some person or company".

Definitely a very interesting option to look into and consider for anyone looking to do anything with or for Steemians (by existing Steem account name).

Question that you might know the answer to? If I claimed my byteballs when I was in the rep 50s, now that I'm in the sixties, is there any way to up the bonus to that level?

Posted using Partiko Android

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