What is a prevention manual?


What is a prevention manual?

Prevention manuals are habitually prepared by trained professionals for the prevention of risks and emergencies, usually focused or set for companies or industries, they contain standards and guidelines that workers must follow to protect their life and health.

Outside of the employment context, it is very important to raise awareness about the risks to which we are subjected daily, whether in our homes or recreational sites, governmental and non-governmental organizations have an important role in training and dissemination of this type of content.

Many of the risks to which we are subjected can cause the disappearance of people and animals, for this reason, Project Milkbox wants to prepare and inform, in educational talks and in written format, through risk prevention manuals.

How are the prevention manuals?

Due to the importance of this issue, most countries have decrees and laws that oblige companies to have a prevention manual, there are also international organizations that have standardized the contents of the manual, they have even made classifications of manuals according to the type of existing risk.

The manuals must contain, at least, the following aspects:

  • Introduction of the organization that develops it, or for whom it will be developed.
  • Introduction of the prevention policies and objectives of the manual.
  • Description of specific and special risks.
  • Procedure and rules of prevention.

Our first prevention manual will be about Earthquakes. Remember to participate in our debate.

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