📰 Weekly Milkbox Recap (WMR) #19 - Project Milkbox 🥛


Hello, Milkbox Community! This is our usual weekly recap, here you can find out everything that is happening with the Milkbox Project right now! Discover the new and refresh the known.

Let’s start with the distribution event:

The blockchain and the free access to the information is the best report.

We remind you that our distribution event is in its full PREMIUM💥 period. From today at 7:00 PM (Venezuela time), you can win up to 1200 MILK📈 by participating in our event.

What is happening right now with our project?

  • Our affiliated account @milkbox.tutorial 💡 continues publishing quality content. Come and take a look! You could find information of your interest.📝

  • Our disrtribution event already STARTED 💸 look at our post about it: [https://whaleshares.io/projectmilkbox/@ienrikex/our-distribution-event-is-on-400-milks-daily-premium-days-project-milkbox).

  • How to participate in the distribution event? There we have a guide

  • The MILK, 💰 our WhaleToken, could be use to receive whaleshareds🔁 by @ienrikex. How to get them?

  • You can participate in the different activities that we carry out: our weekly challenges/contests🏆, didactic games✍ , the new section of mysteries🔮 and our distribution event.

  • Tomorrow we will have our spanish hangout, there you will have the opportunity to interact with other users 👥, promote your posts ✅ and receive privileged information about the project and Whaleshares.

  • In addition, we have a new schedule of weekly activities:

1.Paranormal Sundays👻:

  • We continue with phobias! ... and be careful where you step! 😱. We tackle the phobia of stairs and everything that can generate in the psychology of a person. If you have experienced one or know someone who has, send us the story to: ( [email protected] ).

6. Social Tuesdays👨👩👦 :

  • On Tuesdays we have a little of everything: news, awards, new challenges, staff meetings, questions, answers and so much more. This week's challenge, which is about to end, consists of the writing of stories where you tell us a little about what would happen in your head if a relative/friend/close friend of yours disappears, what would you do?

2. Controversial November 📈:

*What would you do if something happens to a loved one? How would you punish the aggressor depending on his aggression?

Pedophilia = Death penalty or sex/social education + re-insertion? Should we invest in people who harm society? What if the aggressor was a relative of yours? Your best friend? Our new debate is opened!*

3.Micro-stories Wednesdays: 💖:

  • More of our appreciated and habitual section: Microhistories. In this opportunity we talk about horses: Elegant, stylized and strong. With their mane, tails, beautiful coats and legs suitable for any situation, they are complete and very beautiful animals.*

4. Mystery Thursdays 👨✈️:

The last clue is already published, we are one step away from finding Raul. You still have the chance to take the reward!

💰The rewards are magnificent💰

5. Recap Fridays📝 :

Don’t you have time to read all our publications, but still want to keep up to date? This is the ideal section! Here you can take a look at all our content and easily identify points of interest.

🤔 Do you want to know more about our current and future activities💭?

Contact us by Discord🌎

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