🔍How will the Milkbox search system work? - Project Milkbox 👪

Hello everyone. On this occasion, we bring you an outline of how the search for a person will be performed on the Milkbox platform. It should be noted that this will be a scheme with the basic points to address, points that we have already discussed repeatedly with the team and, to be precise, will be implemented in a more advanced phase of the project, so it will be taken as a reference in the future.

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How could we do a search on the platform? What criteria will be taken into account for the admission of a report and what will not? How will the Staff act in case of admitting a report? What happens to the report once it is sent?

Let's see.

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Now, let's clarify some points:

  • When Milkbox receives a report or case of a missing person, the same one will be reviewed by our staff to check if the case is legit or made up, the report will be registered on the Milk blockchain, which automatically detects coincidences with public databases, policial reports, local and international news, and facilitates the follow-up of the case.

  • After receiving and verifying successfully the report, we'll proceed immediately to perform the location procedures and notify all service units that are considered necessary and the authorities that correspond to the protocol that controls the missing persons cases. There are also warning systems in relation to children and with a genetic information base.

  • The case will be made public on the platform, where millions of people in the world will be able to view the data of the missing person, as well as the ones of the person reporting. There will be a reward system for search, where the person who proposed the case may place a reward for finding or helping to find the missing person. This system will have a system of withholding funds, which can not be paid until the person has been found (always with official and verifiable verification).

  • If you filled out a report but do not have money for the reward, if the case is real and verifiable, the Staff will proceed to publish the case in collection mode, where people will decide whether to contribute with the reward by donating MILK's or by votes.

  • On Milkbox any person can make a report on the platform but it won't be public until the Staff can verify it. The person making the report must be within 70-mile radius from where the person disappeared (can change under other terms), accompanying all the identification data of the person, recent articles, and others that can help to find his whereabouts (special marks, clothing and circumstances in which he/she was seen for the last time, etc.).

  • A form must be filled out with the information related to the case, including the characteristics and routines of the disappeared, among other antecedents.

Thus, if the disappeared person suffers from drug addiction, it is necessary to contact the local and national police to verify if he/she has been arrested, etc. Likewise, the Public Prosecutor's Office is informed as soon as possible, formally sending the information within the next minutes after the case is accepted

When the case is accepted, Milkbox can publish the case on social networks through its official accounts (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram), and in the corresponding section of the web page.


From the results of the proceedings, cases are classified into three categories according to their complexity.

  • The cases of low complexity are those that are solved with the first inquiries (people under psychotropic substances, alcohol, drugs or mild family issues).

  • Those of medium complexity are those in which there are indications that the person is alive, but voluntarily wants to remain detached from their environment. These cases are closed when there are at least two indications that the person is living freely in another place (for example, medical check-ups of a pregnant woman).

  • High complexity cases are those that do not yield results after the search protocol is done. In these, the existence of a crime is presumed and the investigation is continued.

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On the other hand, our member @ienrikex has what he calls "Strategic Alliances", that it will be a Milkbox service to connect with public and private institutions for the location of missing persons.

According to the @ienrikex, it will count with these three agreements:

Food distribution chains, for the publication of photos of people lost in a pack of twelve boxes of milk

Public services organizations, for the publication of photos and data of missing persons on the ballots issued to its clients

Legal Medical Services, for cooperation and exchange of information, particularly for the identification of unidentified bodies, and unclaimed. According to legal medical services websites, anyone can enter the personal data and the physical description of a "person allegedly disappeared". These services suggests providing documents such as photos with a smile where the denture can be examined; dental records; clinical records; body x-rays. Then, it contrasts the data provided with its registry of unidentified deceased persons.

These services oftenly informs the police, the federal system and the Public Prosecutor's Office every fifteen days of the identifications it carries out, but does not have the authority to contact the relatives of deceased persons identified as unclaimed. Using Milkbox as a public and worldwide organization, we can change this.



Seriously can't wait to be involved with this! Love it.

Wow Fuzzy, I know you have been speaking about this for a while, but this is BEYOND what I could have imagined. You are a beautiful soul, I can’t wait to help promote this amazing program.

I can see it's going to be great, no doubt

You did such an AWESOME job putting this all together. I absolutely love everything you have here about the search system. Such detail and more is still to come. :):):)

This is a really nice project that will help in finding missing loved ones. I hope more support come for ProjectMilkbox.

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