🤝 Project Milkbox > Challenge "Bring your friends" to Discord | Share the voice for MILKs tokens!

in #projectmilkbox6 years ago (edited)

MILK are new tokens associated with Project Milkbox!

This is a simple challenge that will allow you to obtain your first MILKs from the Milkbox community. So far, our best mode of communication has been our discord channel and we want more people to join, so everyone can keep up with our latest news, project updates, interact with our community and much more!

Do you want to participate?

Let's go onto the steps , its Rules and Rewards!

What do you need to do?

Promote the "Bring Your Friends Challenge" on Steemit

To participate in this contest you must have a Discord account,
if you do not have one, open it!

Step 1: Join the milkbox channel in discord clicking on this link: (https://discord.gg/jd9SyYs)
Step 2: Choose two of your friends (they must have a Steemit account)
Step 3:Invite them to join the channel too. Once united,
the page will automatically welcome them
Step 4: Take a screenshot of the welcome greeting from each one
Step 5: Place a comment on this post with the screenshots and tag your two friends
Step 6: In the same comment includes the address of your Bitshare wallet.

For example:

Discord friend.jpg

These are the rules:

Rule 1: You must follow @milkbox.info
Rule 2: The accounts of the two friends you choose must be active in Steemit
Rule 3: You MUST NOT be a suspected Scammer on Steem
Rule 4: Accounts Spamming this post will not receive MILKs

✩ Challenge Rewards:

- Participants in this trial will earn 5 MILK for each friend

Only those who participate before post payout qualify

Click Here to get a Bitshares Account

Join the BeyondBitcoin Communities

Please join in the discussions with us by becoming a member in ANY or ALL of the BeyondBitcoin and Bitshares communities. We have a wealth of knowledge and information waiting for you.

EOSTalk Discord
EOS.IO related community and topic discussions.

Whaleshares Discord
Steemit community discussions, contests and events.

Project Milkbox Discord [NEW]
Project Milkbox community and topic discussions.

Bitshares Discord
Bitshares development community and discussions.


Got some great people into the discord.

First person is @weberh8, or as I call him, the webman. He's a great man and told him about the graphic design thing that you guys have going on. I think that he'll be submitting a design there.
Screen Shot 2018-03-25 at 8.56.51 AM.png

And second is @jglake. He's pretty nice.
Screen Shot 2018-03-25 at 12.49.38 PM.png

And the bitshares that I'll like to receive my MILK is: rishi123.

Omg! I have no friends....

Here I bring people into the project milkbox


My Bitshares address : ibnuhalim1989

Hello these are two of my friends invited to discord
Here is my Bitshares wallet Address: ifiok-lee

Can I invite more than two persons because I have a whole community to bring on to this project😁

Congratulations @milkbox.info, this post is the seventh most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a User account holder (accounts that hold between 0.1 and 1.0 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by User account holders during this period was 3988 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $10056.43. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

If you do not wish to receive these messages in future, please reply stop to this comment.

These are the 3 talented people I brought to you.







OL - BTS : podanrj374123

Great! You can tell your friends to bring their friends too and win MILKs!

Here are two of my friends I brought


Here is my bitshares wallet address - gidionline1

Hello there, these are the two Friends I brought to discord





My Bitshares wallet address is : ung-mulla

Milk tokens :D. You can really make any token now...
Challenge, where you can win up to 100s $SD!
If you want to, you can try it here:

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