What would happen if someone you love dissapears?| My Entry

in #projectmilkbox6 years ago


I must admit this week's Milkbox's contest it a little (very) emotional. Losing a loved one all of a sudden can be a very devastating experience. I cannot even begin to fathom how those who experience it must feel. It must be the hardest thing in the world. In order to completely open myself up to this thought process, I am going to imagine losing the most important person in my life today. My lil handsome nephew. If you have been following me sometime then you most likely have come a cross a tone of vlog of me with him, well, him making a mess of them.

I never thought I'd love such a little person so much. I couldn't imagine without him, he's my sunshine on my gloomy days, my bow in the rain, he's the reason I wake up with a smile on my face, or the reason why you might find me smiling a lone from time to time. Totally my everything.

We have such a deep connection which is completely absurd, he's only 2 years old lol. Just to understand how deep our love and fun and memories are, I have put together a pictorial vlog at the end of this post for your viewing pleasure. Oh what would I do without him?

I am particularly committed and in love with the #milkboxproject because I have seen time and again of cases of parents losing their kids to kidnapping in the local news. Can you imagine how it would feel waking up one day to find your kid or the person you care for the most missing? Poor little innocent kids. I can't imagine the fear they have to deal with.

My nephew, Adrian, is the most dear little thing. Extremely Smart, Fun, Adorable and Stubborn as can be. I love it, I love him. Losing him would have me completely broken. I used to think I was already in pieces before this, but this would be a whole new level of brokenness. To be honest I don't think I would take it. When you lose too much in life I think it gets to a point where enough is enough. I think I would crawl back into depression, maybe even feel suicidal at some point. **Shocked. Angry. Scared. Depressed. Overwhelmed.Broken.

Where would I turn to?

If there was even the slightest opportunity to get him back, I'd do everything it would take to get him back. Steal, kill, destroy, you name it. I would do it. One of the things I know for sure, you can't really rely on the government for intervention in this kind of cases around here, not only are they annoyingly slow, they are corrupt and ultimately frustrating. I would spend my last penny, sell my kidneys if I had to just to get some private investigators to help bring him back. I guess it really true what they say, we do what we have to for the ones we love.

Not even time with heal this. It wouldn't get better with time.

What Would you do if the person you love the most Suddenly Disappears?

Here are some of Our Moments with my nephew, Adrian. Hope you Enjoy it. Click on the Thumbnail to Watch



Wow THAT is love! I can definitely relate with the bamn (by any means necessary) mindset. Adrian is blessed to have an awesome aunty that is filling him with love at a pivotal age 🙌🏾.

I use the thought of losing my partner to combat anxiety and depression. I would want retribution if anything happened to her. So when I'm really down I ask myself is would I rather be absolved out of this problem, but I'd have to lose my partner? And the answer is always I'd lose any amount of anything ( money, Fame, affluence, influence, etc etc) just to keep her safe.

That's a beautiful connection you have with your nephew 😊. Are you also close with his mother? Were y'all the closest growing up?

Posted using Partiko Android

Hhehe, Funny enough I don't think we were close enough. I think I was too hard on her and very over protective. I guess it comes with the responsibility of being a 1st born :/ She's closer to my brother.

I can totally understand what you mean, loss of any kind can be destructive and devastating, death is more bearable than sudden disappearance in my opinion.

Family Dynamics are interesting like that. The place you're both in the hierarchy changes your growing up experience.

I definitely agree! At least with death I can have closure, with her missing my mind can conjure up the worst of things to torture me forever. Just the thought of it is 🤢🤮🤢

Posted using Partiko Android

Touche! Keep that fire burning, don't let noone dim it :) See you around the Chain..;)

Yes ma'am 🔥🔥🔥and around the web too 😁 cause I followed you on the platforms I'm working with. I can't wait to bring more peeps in 🗣️📣

Posted using Partiko Android

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