

Dear Family and friends,

Our dear friend and protector Mama Lill finally got a message through from Melissa.

She has been in the hospital as right after she worked the Conscious Life Expo at the Los Angeles Hilton, the stress was just too much for her and she had a massive attack of vertigo.

The ENT she saw confirmed advance Menerie's disease, arachnoid cysts in her brain that had swelled due to stress and hearing loss from the attack, which is even more horrible as she is a musician and had worked on her piano for the last year.

During all of this she obviously had not charged her iPHONE as it wasn't allowed where she was in the hospital.

She is still out there broke and all alone...and should be looking at getting full disability INSTEAD of being FORCED by the FedGovSCUM into getting some garbage job while she is there in the Half Hell House...and she still has no where acceptable to go for "Home Confinement" she may be forced to stay where she is!!

The sheer viscious cruelty that has been demonstrated towards BOTH of us by these DEEP STATE government SCUM is unbelievable...for a "crime" with "NO VICTIMS AND NO MONETARY LOSS TO THE GOVERNMENT".

And all this done to a woman who collapsed as the verdict was read...was CLINICALLY DEAD for FOUR MINUTES...and spent 3 days in the intensive care ward fighting for her life...and they STILL gave her 2 YEARS in prison...for doing nothing more than legally notarizing DOCUMENTS!

Add to this our "FRIENDS" on the outside who STOLE and SOLD everything we had, including our cats, looted our bank accounts, PRETENDED to be selling my books and keeping the money and stole and sold my car!

Leaving us with NOTHING to rebuild our shattered lives.

PLEASE HELP HER IF YOU CAN! Send anything you can possibly SPARE or share to:


Thank you all SO MUCH! ONLY LOVE CAN SAVE US ALL! Things are given as charity and gifts of the spirit return to us 10-FOLD!

"For if you have done these things for the LEAST of my thereby you have done them for Me!"


Dr. Sean-David Morton
PO BOX 24549
Tucson, AZ, 89734


Hey There! Hi There! Ho There! Everybody.  2/23/19

So in the awful saga of all of this last MARCH, 2018, I was taken to Dr. Columhi, an ophthalmologist here in Tucson. He told me that I had macular degeneration in my right eye and showed me pictures of it that should have looked like a well formed cone structure...but instead looked like a clown that had been hit in the face with a pie.

Now, I could still SEE out of that eye, and could read and watch TV and all with glasses, etc. But this doctor insisted that this operation was "absolutely necessary". So begins the story. I was taken to a full on hospital where they did this procedure, and for several weeks after words, I had a huge black bubble bouncing around in my eye like a carpenter's level, which then gave birth to 2 smaller bubbles that looked like the Disney Mickey Mouse logo burned into my eye.

When all this Mr. Bubble nonsense subsided...I was totally and utterly BLIND in my right eye. Well, Dr. Columhi THEN told me that as a result of the procedure that part of my eye was starved of oxygen and that "OF COURSE" blindness would occur.
To which I responded, "WHATAYA MEAN OF COURSE!"

"Well, you have to see another specialist to take out the cataract in your eye and now REPLACE THE LENS!" None of this was I TOLD when this happened.

Here is where I think the DOJ and the BOP were conspiring with each other. They KNEW I was acting as my own attorney. THEY KNEW that I was doing all the reading and paperwork and research on my own. Less than 3 weeks after this blinding boxes of my DISCOVERY, which I had never gotten DURING MY TRIAL, finally showed up HERE...and of course now I was blind in one eye and had to use a magnifying glass and special glasses just to read it, resulting in stunning headaches and my eyes weeping all the time like being forced to watch OLD YELLER again and again...

I put in complaint after complaint to the BOP, and the nurses, and doctors and advisors and councilors, FOR A YEAR, kept telling "30 days...coming soon! 30 days! Right around the corner..." One lady doctor said, "Well, it IS scheduled, but I can't tell you the exact date!"

"Why?" I asked. She said, "Well...because you might escape!"

I pointed at the hallway door that led to the outside...and less than a hundred yards beyond that was the main road. No fence or wall, or anything. It's kind of insulting really, that you could just walk out of this place anytime you wanted.

So I finally just started saying, "WELL, I guess HELL WILL FREEZE OVER by the time I get my eye fixed..."

And guess what? TODAY...HELL...FROZE OVER!

Not to know all those GLOBAL WARMING SCIENTIST eggheads, but it snowed like CRAZY here at the camp in Tucson. Like a white Christmas, we built a snowman and had snowball fights...until we were told that was technically class 4 assault and to KNOCK IT OFF!


This guy is Dr. DIAZ, and when I told him I have been waiting for 11 MONTHS to get my eye finally FIXED he was shocked. He did the exam and offered to write a letter of emergency to the prison to get this done as soon as possible.

I also explained to him that I had WON MY CASE already, and that I had UNOPPOSED and UNCONTESTED motions sitting in front of the 9th Circuit Court, and as soon as they got around to ruling, I would be FREE. But I can't DRIVE or really do anything being blind in one eye...and that if I didn't get it finally done in HERE...then I would have to add to my mult-million dollar lawsuit for damages and reparations.

But here is the GAME they play...The PRISON says it is up to when the DOCTOR can schedule it...and the DOCTOR says, "No...I can do it any is up to when the PRISON schedules it..." So the Catch 22 games continue.

But...HELL FROZE OVER and sometimes miracles happen...

Infinite Blessings

Dr. Sean-David Morton
PO BOX 24529
Tucson, AZ, 85734

PS: ALL LETTERS will be responded keep those cards and letters coming!

So I got a really cool Nick Fury eye patch...and back to camp I went, still awaiting that magical day when I finally get my cataract and the lens in my eye replaced and I can SEE once more



Dearest Darling Eternal Friends and Family,

Well, Melissa is finally out and about. She is at the FED "HALF-WAY HOUSE" (co-ed semi-jail) on the corner of Cripp St. and Bloods Blvd. in beautiful downtown WATTS, four blocks from the Towers in South Central. Indeed, the FUN CAPITAL OF NORTH AMERICA!

She will be working ROBERT QUICKSILVER'S CONSCIOUS LIFE EXPO at the LAX Hilton at Dr. Susan Shumsky's booth this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. So please stop by and say hello or drop her an email at: [email protected].

We set up a PayPal account for contributions for everyone out there to HELP HER!

She literally needs CLOTHES and SHOES and car repairs while she is combing the area for a new job and even a PLACE TO LIVE. She will be HOMELESS in less than 30 days. And bless her heart, she called in some favors and scrapped together enough to finally get her hair done today, bless her heart.



So many wonderful ANGELIC people pitched in for hurricane, flood and earthquake relief all over the world...consider this Hurricane FedGovScum RELIEF! And to help someone in NEED that you know and love, and has been UNJUSTLY PERSECUTED to levels BEYOND IMAGINATION!

And it wasn't even the FedGovScum that cleaned us out! It was the people that pretended to be our "FRIENDS", vultures and vipers, who just saw an opportunity to descend on the helpless. They gave away all our clothes, SOLD everything we had, and just STOLE THE MONEY! My classic 1975 FIAT, my comic collection, all our jewelry and furniture, all of our cats and kittens....sold for about $25,000. Then LAUGHED about keeping it all!!

This, by "FRIENDS" she TRUSTED!

This has all been the hardest on Melissa. Brandon Adams Tax Prep company filed her taxes, she NEVER got a tax return, got IRS FINES anyway, had HER personal bank accounts illegally cleaned out, and she only notarized and mailed documents on behalf of OTHERS! She suffered a STROKE during the court proceedings, which resulted in HER DEATH for FOUR minutes and 3 days in INTENSIVE CARE fighting for her life!! Just BEYOND THE PALE! And she is STILL dealing with MENERS Disease, and Arachnoid Cysts in her brain, and partial paralysis from the stroke, and a permanently crippled knee from the attack by armed jackbooted assault rifle wielding IRS thugs, POSING as "POLICE"!

With the help of so many of our friends like Kerry Cassidy, and Lorien Fenton and Mike Nitehawk Ringley, and JP Peron and MR. RHO, and Louise from the GOLDFISH REPORT and so many wonderful friends, WEB and radio personalities, we raised nearly $10,000 for our APPEAL and DEFENSE using over a year ago.

Just to show the level of sheer hatred and malevolence at work here, DOJ Prosecutors Valerie Makawitz and James C. Hughes, THREATENED and our friends saying that WE WERE NOT ALLOWED TO RAISE MONEY FOR OUR LEGAL DEFENSE...and FORCED THEM to send the money BACK!!

Is this STANDARD PRACTICE now for the DOJ? Or law enforcement? Is this what they do to everyone now? Or just those that question their tyranny?


Melissa's appeal is pending. And she is now desperately in the hunt for a JOB and a place to LIVE and work clothes and shoes.

I have already WON with my 6 Dispository Motions that remain UNCONTESTED and UNOPPOSED, meaning all of this will be DISPOSED OF shortly and I will be freed. Just waiting for the other shoe to drop in the messed up, backlogged 9th Circuit court who are 3 judges short right now.

Apparently all the letters I have written to Kelly Ann Conway, Melania and Ivanka Trump, Jared Kurshner and the President himself, who I met on the campaign trail, all had some effect. Someone from UPSTAIRS finally said, "OKAY! That's enough! Lay off this guy!" Which I believe led to that FedGovScum giving up and leaving the field of battle.

So thank you all for your help and support...every little bit helps! "When were you in prison Lord? When were you naked and we did not clothe you?" and the Lord said, "If you have not done this for the least of my flock, you have not done it for ME!"

So, get yourself a nice warm, cozy, comfy and warm place amongst the lambs on the RIGHT HAND SIDE of the LORD thy God on Judgment Day and help her and give whatever you can!


Dr. Sean David Morton
PO Box 24549
Tucson, AZ, 85734


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