Researcher May Lose It All Soon - Please Help

Today ( 08DEC18 ), I am using a Public Library computer to issue this e-mail because I am at a much greater and very sudden loss.

I regret to say I was unsuccessful in not obtaining enough donations to fix my vehicle van windows after street gang vandals smashed large rocks through my 3 large multiple pane picture glass windows ) after which I was then hospitalized, and subsequently my van suffered serious rain damage ( mold, mildew, etc. ) to its interior ( i.e. carpet and padding, futon, bedding, clothes, etc. ) because of two ( 2 ) 2-day rainy periods, and thereafter because of highway safety issues ( no safety glass in 3 window areas ), my van ( I live in and perform my volunteer work out of for Project Camelot ) just recently got towed-away by Police.

Without enough in donations, I failed to get up enough money to fix my van windows ( $1,000 ) after being warned twice by Police telling me to perform what I had not the means to get fixed.

After almost 30-days, Police finally sent a police impound tow-truck to 'tow' my van away ( forcibly assessing a bill for $250 ) plus forcibly charging me for police impound 'storage yard fees' at a rate of $200 'per day'.

At the time of my e-mail ( herein ) the accrued 'towing fee' plus 'impound yard storage fees' amount to $650 'today' ( by Saturday ). By Monday, I will owe $1,050 and by Tuesday it will amount to $1,250; plus, $200 per day thereafter - unless I can recover my van sooner with enough donations.

The Police directing me to have all 3 of my multi-pane windows fixed and will not allow me to simply drive it out of the impound storage yard and back onto the street or highways without having special 'safety glass' installed so, Police stipulated my van cannot be driven in its current condition, and upon release from the impound storage yard, it must be 'towed to the glass repair shop' where I am forced to also pay the $1,000 for the special safety glass windows to be replaced. Right now I am totally without sufficient funds to get all this done.

I took a bus, with the last money I had to my name, to the police impound storage yard, and here's what they told me:

1. If I want to remove 'all the contents out of my van all at 1 time ), including my smartphone ( with all my business and personal data files in it ), my laptop ( with all my business and personal data plus, 6,000,000 + archived intelligence research files therein over the past 15-years ), all my clothes, and my footlocker with all my personal files they will release it to me within 30-days but I need a means by which to carry it all so, if I don't have a vehicle to carry it all inside, they will not even release my smartphone ( alone, by itself ); and,

2. After 30-days I will no longer be able to retrieve my van from the police impound yard; and,

3. If I have not picked up all my personal property out-of my van within 30-days, I will not be allowed to get my personal property ever.

So, because I could not raise $1,000 to get my 3 huge glass windows fixed, I am losing everything I own IF I do not pay to get my van out of impound ( $1,250 by Tuesday or $200 per day thereafter ), then have it towed ( another $250 ) to have the windows repaired ( another $1,000 ) too.

Total needed 'by Tuesday', is:

$2,500 ( if not by Tuesday, $200 per day will be assessed for every day I cannot pay to remove my van from the impound storage yard.

So, I am barely walking on my cane because of my bad hips, and curling up to sleep next to a large cold steel garbage bin behind a commercial industrial building where I have no blankets, no coat, no medications, no food, and no money.

That's my current emergency status, which just grew much worse a few days ago.

I had given up. I was just sitting next to a rubbish bin where I fell asleep. The following day, I did nothing but sit and stare at a brick wall until I fell back to sleep. Depression.

This morning, I picked myself up on my cane and with bad hips and no medication I slowly hobbled 4-miles to a public library where I was able to use their public computer for only 2-hours just to type this e-mail plea.

If you can help please donate directly to my PayPal account, here:

At 67 years old, I always held the holidays as magical. Guess that was the child in me. Now, I've been reduced to crying out for help when I should have been researching and writing my reports.

This is trying to depress my soulful spirit. It teaches me humility through extreme embarrassment. I needed to be more humble so, I'm feeling that through and through more.

Life shouldn't be this way for an old handicapped foreign war veteran before Christmas.

Please help, if you can, but please do nothing if it causes you or those closest to you any financial harm.

I've been blessed with an overly adventurous life, much of it high-risk that took a serious toll on me personally, but all and all I am grateful for the life and times granted me.

Thank you.



The Unwanted Publicity Intelligence Guy ( UPI Guy )

E-MAIL: [email protected]






A few of my legacy websites ( below ):







Articles written and contributions within other publications ( below ):

CNBC network, American Greed, a Bill Kurtis Production, television series:


Abel Danger:


Operation Paper: The United States and Drugs in Thailand and Burma by, Peter Dale Scott, Footnote: "104 ... There have been speculations that the “U.S. Central Intelligence Agency . . . may actually support CIC International Ltd. so it remains in business as one of its many brokers for arms, technology components, logistics on transactions significant to intelligence operations ( Paul Collin, 'Global Economic Brinkmanship' )":


'Global Economic Brinkmanship ( Part 1 & 2 - of a 5 Part series ) by, Paul Collin:


'$230-Billion Offshore Bank Hughes Vault?' by, ShoreLines ( Paul Collin ):


'Con-man or Struggling Angel? Uganda’s Infamous Ex-pat, Van Brink' by, Victoria S. Gates ( Paul Collin )



'For Want of a Nuclear Nail' by, Paul Collin:


'Rule One' by, Paul Collin:


[ NOTE: Thousands of pages in hundreds of published reports of even more by Paul Collin only available to donors upon their 'special written request' via e-mail to the author. ]



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