How to Project Confidence at Networking Events

in #project7 years ago

Through being forward-thinking, focused, and efficient, it’s easy to shift into the role of a determined and capable networker. Yet, there can often be many circumstantial challenges faced by those who are not used to the overall process, especially attending an event for the first time. Here is a short primer on what networking event tips to consider in your demeanor for the best results possible.

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Steps for Planning Ahead

Networking is, in essence, the process of forging connections within your industry for the pursuit of career-based opportunities in the short/long-term future.

It should not be viewed as merely a way to find a new occupation, rather an informative or educational pursuit to learn more about the individuals who work in and around your same (or similar) line of work.

Before making any strides or points of contact, be sure to do the following:

Decide upon what area of interest you wish to learn more about, and spend time researching the in’s and out’s of your industry to cement your understanding. A firm understanding will come in handy, especially in the event of encountering a high level professional or executive. Doing your homework will be a great help in terms of knowing as much as possible about the people attending, their wants/needs, and how you could benefit them

Go online and register as a member in groups and societies (official or unofficial) related to your line of work. Not only will you be able to establish your professional background before meeting in person, you can potentially also learn of events and industry topics you might not be exposed to outside of that context

Try to identify a few notable individuals who could serve as mentors on how to prepare for a networking event. Arrange to meet in person or conduct your info online/over the phone (remember to not get too discouraged if they say no or don’t get back to you).

Everything from your composure to how you dress for a networking event is important in making a strong impression. You want to stand out from the other attendees and implore others to speak with you. Once you manage to gain someone’s attention, retain solid eye contact, a friendly smile, and a firm handshake.

Common Obstacles to Prepare For


The ultimate goal of networking is to develop relationships suited towards your line of work; yet there are many people who have the utmost difficulty in being able to initiate conversation when the opportunity presents itself. It is best to not get too worked up over the negative outcomes that could transpire, and focus on projecting yourself in the best possible way.

Awkward lulls in conversation

Be sure to have a few questions on hand in the event that one conversation unexpectedly or abruptly ends, or to deal with awkward silences. Make sure the questions require a response that can’t be answered with a simple yes or no.

Rude responses

While not entirely uncommon, being on the receiving end of a distasteful or impolite conversation while networking can leave a bad taste in one’s mouth. In such an event, try to wrap up your dialogue neatly and move on to speaking with someone else.

Being too forward

In the event that a conversation with an expert professional is going great, do not attempt to inquire about any job openings that you may be fit for. Networking is meant to be a pathway for building towards eventual career opportunities, not a direct venue.

On-the-spot interview

Conversely, should you find yourself in a situation where someone does ask about your availability for a job opening they have, be sure to spend as much time as possible asking them about the job and what it entails as opposed to more interview-based questions

Who Should You Target?

If you’re unsure who to approach, its best to start with someone that’s alone, since they will certainly be more approachable than larger groups. Should you decide to make yourself known to a group, wait until there is an interval in their conversation to make yourself known. Also consider planting yourself near areas of high activity, such as the entrance where people will be coming in, or where refreshments are being dispensed.

While you may be at a networking event for your own benefit, the best way to get people interested in you is by making yourself appear capable, determined, and resourceful. Upholding the qualities of a leader and projecting them in this environment is a key element in this type of scenario. Demonstrate your inherent value to those you talk with, whether it’s for professional services or even a recommendation for somewhere nearby to grab a drink, there are a multitude of ways to showcase your abilities as a caring and worthy individual that will leave a lasting impression.

Remember To Be Yourself

While it may be tempting to begin your conversation with a pre-planned speech or spiel, chances are that your delivery may appear somewhat artificial, or unconvincing. It is best to appear natural and relaxed over trying too hard to be something that you’re not - after all, you are supposed to be having a conversation and not giving a presentation. Consider introducing yourself and starting with a light topic such as current events before easing into more professional dialogue. It is important to make yourself likeable right off the bat.

Don’t Forget Your Business Cards!

The most important tool to bring to a networking event is unquestionably a business card containing your professional contact information, but your distribution method is equally as important. Do not attempt to give out as many as possible to everyone you talk to, since you may come off as needy or even worse, you make a new contact that does not present any potential benefit. Rather, offer your cards to those who you feel good about connecting with that even in your short time together, seems like a valuable person to exchange information with. On the receiving end of things, remember to keep business cards people send your way separate from your own, and if possible, jot down any useful information on the card about your interaction that may serve as a valuable reminder down the line.


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