PHP Tutorial: How To Convert JSON API Request

in #programming7 years ago

Converting JSON API Data To PHP Array

Using current STEEM price from Coin Market Cap API for a form by parsing data into a PHP array, then assigning to a variable.

Parsing the Data


First, you'll want to read your JSON output by visiting the link you will get your data from. Determine if it is a multi-dimensional array or just a single array of values. Also, look for the key-value pairs you will be using; price_usd in our case.

Decode the JSON data and reference your key-value pairs using the multi-dimensional array and assign the data to a variable (if only using one pair).

$steemprice = $steemjson[0][price_usd];

Multiple data sets can be referenced in the same way just using the array variable reference [and a for loop].

//Steem price in BTC
echo $steemjson[0][price_btc];
// 1 hour change in percentage
echo $steemjson[0][percent_change_1h];

Spit Out The Results


You can use echo, print or print_r to display your results on screen in PHP. There is another shortcut that we used in the video.

  • same as -
<? echo $steemprice; ?>

Another method, print_r is used like var_dump, it outputs all the data from the array.

References: Coin Market Cap API:
File Used on

Thanks for watching. Follow me for more tutorials and other posts about cryptocurrency, life, etc... As always, feedback is appreciated, comments and questions are welcome.


hi i try, load json form comment and i got error
5209: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'responseText' of undefined

function setup() { loadJSON ("",gotData, 'jsonp'); }

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 54391.40
ETH 2283.95
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.29