A little background into the Tensor from Tensor-Programming (An introduction Post).

in #programming7 years ago (edited)

I was asked by a few people to make an introduction post here on steemit; so I figured why not.

Some 20+ years ago, I became a professional programmer after finishing college as a chemical engineer; originally I worked with BASIC, C, and then some C++ on a systems level. During the few years that I worked in a corporate setting, I found myself always pursuing shiny new technologies. As a hobby, I started dabbling with Fortran, Smalltalk, Common Lisp and Java. I was eventually able to build my first web business, using Perl and PhP, which allowed me to become a digital nomad (before the term really even existed). This was just as the internet was starting to take off in the middle-late 90s.

As a freelancer, I often found that I was able to use whatever technology that I wanted as long as it fit the use case of course. I also was exposed to almost every single area in the programming spectrum from data science and research as well as web development and even game development. I worked for I.D. and Bethesda for a little while and I was also worked on Neural networks with a company that would eventually become a part of Google.

As I expanded my businesses, I found myself using more different languages; Cobolt, Ruby, Erlang, C#, JavaScript, Haskell, Ocaml, Racket, etc... I often found that for some of the more obscure and niche languages the documentation was a little lacking in areas. Sometimes the unique features of these languages made learning them a little more challenging then they needed to be. There were times when I found myself reading the compiler spec sheets and pouring over various pieces of source code just to get a better sense of one aspect of the language.

For a while, I've had this idea of creating a Blog/YouTube channel which would become a nexus of knowledge for these languages and that is in essence what Tensor Programming is. I really like live coding and I find that it's efficient to teach by immersion so that the viewers can see tangible examples. I know that my channel would be really popular if I was to do a bunch of JavaScript frameworks or follow the general programming trends of the day; however, the less popular languages are the ones that are desperately in need of better learning resources. The languages that I have and plan to cover include; Elm, Elixir, Go, Rust, Dart, Kotlin, Scala, F#, Clojure/ClojureScript and ReasonML.

My current format is to follow a series of introduction videos which feature simple examples of the basic concepts for each language. Once a language's full introduction series is completed, I plan to start doing some more real-world examples and even some cross language examples. Immediately, the examples that come to mind are an Elixir Phoenix Api that uses GraphQL with a Hoplon ClojureScript or Angular Dart front-end that uses Go electron, a Dart Flutter UI built on top of a Kotlin Android backend, or a Rust CryptoCoin with a ClojureScript frontend for the wallet etc.

I'm currently in the process of working on a rust intro tutorial series and I will be putting out a bunch of videos this weekend. I hope this post helps people get to know me a little better and what it is that I am trying to do with my channel. If you'd like, feel free to drop by and watch a few videos and if you really enjoy them; go ahead and subscribe.


welcome to steemit! :)

thank you.

welcome! Looking forward to read more from you :)

Thank you, I appreciate the encouragement.

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