Some Serious Non-Weekend Stuff to Discuss

in #programming6 years ago

Last week one guy asked me if "I can do any code at all". The person is e-commerce and marketing badass, very rude and usually provocative. So I wasn't offended a single bit.

However, this is an important question, shall PR or Marketing Director of an IT company (or even blockchain one) know and use programming language? As for me, this is close to car driver being able to assemble and dissemble the car's transmission system. Or Advertising manager of a confectionary factory understanding recipe of a chocolate bar.

You, my readers, who know everything - please share your thoughts and views on that!

P.S. I do understand programming architecture and can code some basics in VisualBasic. Don't do Python or Solidity, however - my bad))


I think it's okay to just know the general details about programming, for a marketing person. It takes a lot of time to learn all the specific details, and your time is best used for what you do best - presenting your projects in a good light.

Can't agree more. Thanks a ton and hugs to you, my friend!

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