Godot Engine: Would you be interested in a tool to generate tileset with collisions from a texture?

in #programming6 years ago

Hello everyone,

I'm working with a friend on a Godot Engine game project, and as you may know if you've tried it, generating a tileset is a manual and kind of cumbersome process, having to manually create each tile on a scene, assigning the rectangle inside of the texture, then setting the colliders you need. In view of that, I'm working on a tool to quickly generate the scene with everything you need to export as a tileset. I'm developing it with v3.0-rc1, and I doubt it will work for 2.x without adapting some calls in the script, but it shouldn't be crazy hard to do so if someone needs it for an old version.

The idea is for it to work as follows:

  • Create an empty scene with a root node, and add the script as the root node script.
  • Set the texture and tile size through exposed variables of the script.
  • Press a button to "generate tilemap"
  • Use mouse position + hotkeys to set line colliders for left/right/top/bottom, or full tile colliders.

After that you should be able to remove the script and export the scene as a tileset, and begin using it.

This post has two purposes: the main one, to serve as a preview and measure interest, because after it's ready for us to use it will require some additional work to document and share. The second purpose is to get any ideas or features that you think it will be nice to have to make it better if I have the time for it (for instance the first version didn't have the option for colliders and we quickly saw we needed it ^^").

Here's a screenshot so you can get a better idea of what I mean:

If you don't know what I'm talking about, this is godot engine's page: https://godotengine.org/
And this is the tutorial on how to create a tileset: http://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/2d/using_tilemaps.html

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