Learning Web Programming, What to Prepare?

in #programming7 years ago

web programming, What to prepare? This is the question that arises when we first want to start learning the programming language "whatever kind of programming language we will learn" we will definitely ask where we will learn and write the programming language code.

Learning Web Programming The first thing is for beginners when you want to start learning a programming language is to choose what programming you will learn, for example desktop programming, web programming or mobile programming.

Find out what programming you want to learn is very important because it concerns the purpose, direction and what you want to do it later? In this article we will start a little discuss about learning web programming, what to prepare? When you read this article of course you have chosen to start learning web programming language, because this article deals with your early learning programming language. Once you have chosen and correct what programming language you will learn, then you are ready to prepare everything that is important to you.


A BOOK GUIDE about the web programming language itself, you can buy it in a bookstore that provides web programming learning guidebook . You can also choose to buy e-books or read read on related web or blog and provide tutorial information and programming guidelines for web programming because many of our friends today who want and easily share knowledge about programming that has spread on the internet today. If you want to start learning web programming I recommend the first thing you learn is this HTML language is your first step to start everything about web programming. You can read articles about Understanding Basic Learning Html. Once you've finished learning about HTML, you can get into CSS and then PHP and JavaScript. Because these four languages ​​are scripting languages ​​and programming languages ​​for web programming. Please study one by one, step by step.


You must have your own computer or laptop, why? Firstly because learning the programming language is very closely to the name of the exercise "not just reading a book or an article". but should be diligent practice and repeat until you understand the code - the code of the program.


Text Editor (application where you write the code - the program code you will learn), Text Editor widely spread on the internet provided free and this is to facilitate you in writing the program code you learned. For text editor you can use Notepad Application, Notepad ++, Sublime Text, Atom etc. You just choose one for your initial learning.


Join the community or question-and-answer area related to programming, as it will also help you later if you have problems so you can ask.


You can participate in tutoring (learning) about programming languages ​​In your area or you can find friends or friends who already understand about the programming language, it will be very helpful if you have difficulty in learning and you can ask.


Keep learning and keep the spirit, do not give up easily because mastering the programming required high moral spirit and mentally not easily give up.

Hopefully this article useful for friends - friends who just started plunging and learn web programming, this article is especially for beginners as information.

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