C++ Currency Number Format Function

in #programming4 years ago
Penny for Your Thoughts

Given a positive integer n representing the amount of cents you have, return the formatted currency amount. For example, given n = 123456, return "1,234.56".

Example 1
n = 132

Example 2
n = 2

Example 3
n = 100000000

Format a Currency Number using C++

Although this task may seem simple with the inbuilt function such as printf or the String format (in Python), to implement this number/currency formating it seems not a trival task. First we would need to get the penny part (fraction) by computing the last two digits (remainder by 100). Then we need to group the other digits into three.

We need a string pad function to add the leading zeros for the middle groups and also the penny (up to 2 digits such as 0.01). The most significant group should not add leading zeros. The numbers are separated by comma.

string solve(int n) {
    auto pad = [](int v, int d) {
        string ans = std::to_string(v);
        if (ans.size() < d) {
            ans = string(d - (int)ans.size(), '0') + ans;
        return ans;
    int cents = n % 100;
    n /= 100;
    vector<int> groups;
    while (n > 0) {
        groups.insert(begin(groups), n % 1000);
        n /= 1000;
    string ans = "";
    if (!groups.empty()) {
        ans += std::to_string(groups[0]);
        if (groups.size() > 1) {
            ans += ",";
            for (int i = 1; i + 1 < groups.size(); ++ i) {
                ans += pad(groups[i], 3) + ",";
            ans += pad(groups.back(), 3);
    } else {
        ans += "0";
    ans += ".";
    ans += pad(cents, 2);
    return ans;

The above C++ function declares a local lambda function using the functional syntax. Then we group the digits into three and put them in the vector. Then we pad each group including the penny part.

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