Mustering the motivation to learn programming.

in #programming8 years ago (edited)

It's fun the first time you install a nice IDE and sit down to start learning to code. But then it gets worse.

You pass a few trials and tutorials alright, and learn the basics, but like a sharp slope, it gets very difficult, and very tedious, and most certainly very boring, very quickly.

So what do you do? Give up?

Yeah, I think it might be wise to just give up. You've learned the basics, you know what an int is, how to write and use a function, and you might even feel like you can just read code of any programming language. But it's boring.

So let's just give up. But for how long?

How long can you really just stay a rookie at what is literally hacking?
Hacking. HACKING!


You can't act like the concept of programming isn't the coolest thing ever.

So you need to go back. With the basics in mind, you've gotta return to your studies, and focus on the most epic hobby ever.

Hacking and programming.
Software engineering.
Technological Development.

These words sound cool for a reason.

It's because it's the coolest, most hardcore shit that exists.

Nerds are sexy and hot, and geeks are gorgeous and chic.
It can't be denied. So learn programming.

Learn the standard techniques.
Define the data types.
Utilize the algorithms.
Master the methods.
Dominate the functions.

And tyrannically oppress the helpless objects.

This is your destiny.

You are a hacker.

You must go back, and learn. You must teach yourself to find intense euphoria within yourself as you program.

For every little piece of data you manipulate, you must grin like a stoned wizard.
You've gotta go crazy for this stuff, and not let the concept of boredom or tedium even enter your mind.

Programming is the greatest thing ever, and you have to just keep learning it.
Keep doing tutorials, keep forcing yourself to enjoy it, no matter what.

No matter the screaming, the tears, your limp, broken body falling to the floor off your chair as you cackle with madness over what should have been a simple function that just works, but does not work, you must program.

You must.



Learn ASAP, it gets worse as one gets older, just like any language.. SMILE while you're doing it lol

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