What are the expectations of a recruiter from a junior programmer?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #programming8 years ago (edited)

Consider that a recruiter will spend maximum of 1 minute on your CV, do not destroy your chance with a bad CV.

Who are you, Georgiana?

I am working for 2 years as IT recruiter in Qualitance, a 100% Romanian software company. So far, we’ve recruited for various roles, from software development (Java, C ++, Javascript, PHP, .NET, Angular, C#, iOS, Android, etc.), software testing (both automatic and manual), technical support and infrastructure to HR, marketing, sales and project management roles. Positions were both for junior programmers and for seniors and leadership. I am passionate about technology, employer branding, recruitment and training.

What is the difference between a junior and an intern in programming?

Expectations from a junior programmer. A junior is a person who has at least 1 year working experience in a company, while an intern is a person who either is still a student or just finished college and has no work experience (maybe only internships). Between an intern and a junior level position there is a transition stage ("trainee"), which may or may not exist, it depends on the policy of each company (In some companies you can jump right to junior level). It is important to note the fact that the level of seniority is also related with the job that the person is running for, so a person with previous work experience can be hired for the junior position if he makes a change from testing to programming, for example.

How does the recruitment process work for a junior programmer?

The recruitment process for a junior programmer is normally simpler than that of a senior and a team leader. In a first stage there may be a telephone interview or a series of online tests (logic, personality etc.), followed by face to face interview. This stage is usually sustained by a recruiter and the purpose is to see if the person fits the organizational environment of that company and if he has skills that are necessary for that role (both soft and hard skills).

The second stage is usually a technical interview where the candidate is tested in terms of programming knowledge. In this stage it is possible for the candidate to face a series of technical writing tests or a practical test, or only these technical tests. If the feedback is positive, the financial offer is made. The recruitment process differs from company to company, but technical validation will take place in any process.

What information should contain a CV of a junior programmer and how it should be structured?

The CV of a junior programmer should contain details of professional experience, used technologies, relevant courses/trainings/certifications, studies, foreign language skills, technical or non-technical skills. When it comes to professional experience, it is recommended to go into more detail about the responsibilities of previous roles in a more realistic manner and without adding things that are not true or are copied from the Internet (a good recruiter will notice that). The information should be clear, relevant and concise, the CV must be clean and well structured, easy to read and the recruiter will quickly find the information he needs.

The resume will mirror the candidate and, paying little attention to details will get the attention of several recruiters. An original CV may also get the attention of recruiters, but if the information is not well organized the result will not be the same. Consider that a recruiter will spend maximum of 1 minute on your CV, do not destroy your chance with a bad CV.

How should a junior programmer prepare for an interview?

If we talk about the HR interview, it is recommended for the candidate to search for more information about the company and its projects, he has to ask friends, acquaintances who may have worked / works there about the company’s environment. The Internet can also be a good source of information, but beware of the forums because sometimes some information may be untrue or subjective point of views. Decent behavior, proactive attitude, positive energy and the enthusiasm can bring success during the interview with the HR.

Also, when it comes to the financial aspect, try not to ask more than you could get for a junior position because this can disqualify you from the first stage. No company will pay a junior with a salary of a senior just to make tasks easier, so try looking for information related to the salary offer or which would be the wage of a junior programmer on the Bucharest market, you will surely find some indicative amounts. Do not lie during the interview about the professional experience, because sooner or later the truth will come out and will not be to your advantage. Adopt a natural and proactive behavior. After completion of the interview, you can send a post-interview thank to the recruiter, this can help you get to the second interview stage.

If we talk about technical interview, you should study a little bit about theoretical aspects related to the respective technology before and during the discussion show that you have potential and want to learn more. When we talk about junior, trainee and intern positions, the potential for learning in the conduct of professional development is very important, especially for people who have little or no experience.

What do you expect, as a recruiter, from a junior/intern programmer?

As a recruiter I expect junior/intern programmer to be serious, determined, with common sense, to know his long-term career goals, to be interested in learning new things and to prove that has the potential to become a high-performing senior. In every junior/intern a company invests both time and money to help them develop and grow professionally, therefore any company that wants to have efficient employees will not invest in someone who has no potential and does not want to learn.

Also, a high level of English communication skills is something that every IT company expects to find in future employees; many customers are from abroad and the discussions are conducted in English, plus all the documentation is in English. If you feel that you have difficulty in using English, try to improve this because it can get you a job in a successful company.

How important are studies/certifications in the field versus projects/trainings/extra activities?

I would say that both are important because either will bring more knowledge to each person, however I met candidates who had no college in technical field or certifications, but by other means (individual study, personal projects, trainings, workshops etc.) have managed to reach the same level as those who finished a technical college. Diplomas are not important but the information you have accumulated over time.

Activities unrelated to school (internships, various projects, conferences etc.) may have a greater importance than education itself. Use every professional experience to your advantage!

Basically, what weighs most in the decision-making process of hiring a junior programmer?

First is the compatibility with the organizational environment and the project team. If there is no compatibility, the person will not be able to integrate, so will not be productive and will eventually leave the company. Ask questions in HR interview about the team and organizational environment in order to realize if there is a place where you would like to work.

The second thing would be the knowledge that the candidate has in order to fulfill requirements for that position, and the third is the candidate’s proven potential for professional development during the recruitment process.

What advantage do you think can have a junior programmer with several years experience in other areas?

Such a person has the advantage of professional experience in an organizational environment compared to those who never worked before. This can help them integrate more easily into the company. Also the information gleaned from previous jobs can help them with the computer programming position, for example, a person who worked in the economic field and gets a job in banking software development can benefit from previous experience.

How IT companies are trying to attract junior/intern programmers?

IT companies attract young programmers in different ways, from organizing internships, hackathons, various events held in the IT faculties and attending to various fairs jobs for graduates. Companies can also offer training programs or training for young graduates that helps them grow within the company.


Interesting read. The candidates expectations are far too often overlooked in the hiring process. This needs to change in 2018.

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