Javascript's const keyword

in #programming7 years ago (edited)

Javascript provides you with a keyword called const that will allow you to declare constants that may not be changed after their initial assignment.

Here are a couple of examples:

const x = 10;
//You will get the value 10 printed on the console

x = 11;
//You will get an error message on the console
//SyntaxError: Assignment to constant variable: x at 30:0

Declaring objects with the const keyword will also have a similar effect except for the fact the you will still be able to modify the objects properties or add properties to it

const obj2 = { a: 1, b:4, c: 10 };

obj2.c = 100;
obj2.d = 400;


//Here you will get the object{ a: 1, b: 4, c: 100, d: 400 }printed on your console.

However, trying to assign (remember the word is assign here) to the variable will throw an error:

obj2 = { e: 4 };


//'SyntaxError: Assignment to constant variable: obj2' printed on your console

I hope this helps!


Also worth noting, const declarations are block scoped (not function scoped like var), and cannot be accessed before declaration due to temporal dead zone (unlike var). This is a nice post describing the behaviour of var vs let vs const -

Thanks Petar.

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