Engineer or practical engineer? What to learn? What are the parameters for a decision?.

in #profession7 years ago (edited)

This is a question that occupies many people!
People who are going to study are debating whether to go all the way and learn engineering or that it's better to be a practical engineer and get a regular salary and learn Diploma of a Practical engineer .

I will say some stuff about this two things in general:
An engineer is a person in charge of supervision and development.
Practical engineer, he is the person who builds/ assembles/ works in practice.
Basically, an engineer is usually responsible for some practical engineers in his field of work.
The engineer has more responsibility than the practical engineer and of course he earns more than the
practical engineer.
In terms of studies:
Practical Engineer 2 years.
4 years for the engineer (usually 5-6 years)


So, first of all, we will bring forward what each one gives.

When you learn to be an engineer, you learn how to develop in a field. For example, if you study software engineering, you will first learn a lot of mathematics in order to understand the complex world of computer science. If you understand the root, you can develop things in software engineering

a practical engineer of software learns just the technique that will give him the essential tools to write a code or scripts

Practical engineer is an operation

We come to a situation where we think - we must probably study an engineer - more money more

demand, more profession is considered

So I thought that way at the age of 20 and that makes a lot of sense
But also very individual

There are people who are great at doing jobs!
Those who study engineering are not necessarily good in performing operations.

When you meditate between the two - think a second with yourself about what you are good at!
Are you good at operating or solving puzzles and develop ideas? once my friend who is engineer in a very considered start up in Israel told me that being an engineer is like being in a test of math all day, you always have to think

If you're good at both! Of course the answer is an engineer!

If you are a person who gives him an action and knows how to do it in a great way! (Even with its own twist) -not like a robot

You may very well find your livelihood much more as a practical engineer!


It is possible to give a parable:

There is a prime minister who is the engineer, but under him he needs a lot of operations, and the better they are, the better he will be (the prime minister)
It is not shameful to be one who gives of himself and is only "another one in the system" if you are good at it!

Everyone has their own role!
And the fast as the person who hesitates will know what he is good at, and what is the role of him

This way he will learn the profession that suits him more quickly

Hope to hear your opinion!

לוגו מאריאנארט.png


זו בעיה ידועה בישראל - יש איזו שאיפה מאוד סוחפת לתואר אקדמאי מתקדם, ואנשים מוכנים לעשות הרבה מאוד בשביל זה, כולל ללמוד מקצועות שהם לא מתחברים אליהם רק כדי להגשים את השאיפה הזו - שהרבה פעמים זו השאיפה של ההורים שלהם והם בכלל לא רוצים את המקצוע הזה לכשעצמו.
אנשים לומדים כמו חמורים רק בשביל להתקבל, ואז אם הם איכשהו מצליחים לצלוח את התואר, הם עלולים למצוא את עצמם תקועים לכל החיים במקצוע שמתיש אותם
גופנית ונפשית במקום ללכת על מה שמתאים להם ושהם יהנו ממנו - כסף ועיקרה זה חשוב אבל ההנאה והרגשתי השייכות למקצוע זה קריטי לעניין שהוא חלק כל כך משמעותי מהחיים.

אדם צריך בסוף לבחור מקצוע שהוא אישית מתחבר אליו ומתעניין בו, ושאפשר להתפרנס ממנו בצורה סבירה-מכובדת (יש גבול לאידיאלים, צריך גם לחיות ממשהו 😁).

אם תהיה רופא כמו שאתה כותב חחח
אנחנו על הגל..
אני רק אחדד , אם יש לך אדם שעובד רק מאידיאלים בדרך כלל אנשים ימצאו בו ערך ענק וישלמו לו על עצם היותו אדם שעובד מאידיאלים.
סטים חתימת פוסט.png

אני רק אחדד , אם יש לך אדם שעובד רק מאידיאלים בדרך כלל אנשים ימצאו בו ערך ענק וישלמו לו על עצם היותו אדם שעובד מאידיאלים.

וואי נעם הלוואי שאתה צודק בזה - אני עדיין לא בשוק אז קשה לי לחוות דיעה ברורה, אבל נניח מישהו שמת על פילוסופיה, גם אם הוא אידיאליסט לגמרי ורואים עליו שזו הנשמה והמהות שלו - עדיין יהיה לו קשה לעמצוא תעסוקה מתגמלת בתחום :( אני מעריך שצריך בכל זאת איזו פרקטיות בנושא.

אגב - יש לי פוסט חדש קטן על עיצוב לתחרות שעשיתי, אם בא לך להציץ :)

כן , צריכים להיות פרקטיים חחסטים חתימת פוסט.png

@amiramnoam I recently got my Engineering Diploma. My country's terrible economic situation is a huge obstacle. No jobs for scientists. Even if you do get hired, you're paid the minimum wage of a worker.

Education isn't about making money anymore, at least where I live. Moneywise, it's not worth it. I regret having wasted years of my youth in order to get a higher education, only to be treated with disrespect and left with no choices but to migrate. I will either have to waste my skills or move away from my family in order to get a proper job abroad.

That's the freaking thanks I get for trying to be a useful member of society.

@amiramnoam I live in Greece, a small country in Southern Europe.

You are absolutely right. And I'm reading computer engineering. Yes 4 years but like you said 5-6 years konusunda Mathematics in the linear, numerical, discrete mathematics we saw a lot. And actually it was a sharing of my life and my goals. Thank you.

thanks for share post.@amiramnoam

Can we put it like this ? :)

source - modified


hehe that's funny
סטים חתימת פוסט.png

Mathematicians can be any kind of engineer

Nice Experimental. upvote & resteem

Engineer can learnt to be practical engineer through few years of working experience, but practical engineer can't have all the knowledge of engineer

Engineering programs are not too theoretical. Other programs exist, at technical colleges and boot camps, for people who want only practical knowledge with no understanding of theoretical fundamentals.

The people who hire you straight out of college also realize that you don’t know anything. That you’ve realized it puts you ahead of the game: many young engineers don’t realize for years that college just made them “expert beginners.”

ביום ראשון אני מתחיל מכינה בסמי שמעון! הולך ללמוד הנדסת תכנה.. אחלה פוסט אחי

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