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RE: Curse

in #profanity7 years ago

I'm divided on this whole thing.

#1: It's not a word I use, its one of very few I won't use. I can't think of any reason to actually use it if you aren't a shitlord.

#2: It's a word, with literally no victim. He said a flipping word. STOP. JUST STOP.

I've been called the "soft a" [-ga] version of that word more times than I have ever used either variant, and 99% of those cases were from people who were NOT Caucasian.


Personally, I only swear to show people I know how to during some kind of debate or conversation but I was saying freak and hell as a teenager but nothing worse than that normally. I kind of want to let people say what they want to say. If they can't say what they want, then why can I say whatever I want? That might be a philosophical question. I want to maximize choices, freedoms, for people.

Maybe, you can say what you want to say. And maybe if I do not like what you say, maybe I have the freedom to leave or to tell you to get out of my house or something. That is freedom. Do not kill me. Do not steal. Do not hurt me physically. Maybe, do not yell or shout too much maybe. I believe in free speech which includes alleged hate speech. I do not want people to slowly take away too many freedoms from us slowly over time. It is a step by step trap the LEFT has. They are trying to take away our statues and guns and more.

I did say nigger while trash talking with black guys when I was about 14 years old in the year 1999 at my park in the ghetto near my trailer home in Forest Grove, Oregon, and some of black boys or men where older and like six and a half feet tall. Maybe, they were all high school or college students but maybe from another city. I was trash talking like normal but it was my first time playing with them.

Normally, I played, as a white boy, with other Mexicans, at that park, & on that day, we were playing ball, & I was just doing my normal trash talk thing which I kind of developed like a bad habit at that time.

I was guarding the younger black boy who was probably 14 years old and I said nigger and come on and I am going to school you and show me what you have, I would say, and then he started punching me in the face and I fell to the ground and then the other black guys held him back and then I went home and I am not exactly sure if the older taller black guys blamed me or him or what. For the most part, they just wanted the conflict to end prematurely without resolution or resolve or whatever. I probably wouldn't do that again but I wouldn't say that I shouldn't have the freedom to do it. I believe in choices. I can choose to say that. He can choose to punch me in the face. I believed what I did was ok as I was saying it. He reacted and he couldn't control himself. I think I triggered him and I kind of knew that and I was kind of pushing his buttons to see if he had any self control and I guess he had no self control.



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