THE IMPORTANCE OF SELF CARE- Top 11 things I swear by when I need a little R 'n R

in #productivity6 years ago


I just got back from a road trip… (I definitely missed Steemit and am happy to be back!) and upon arriving back in LA, I was soooo grateful to restart my self care practices!

It’s become so important to me lately to prioritize self care. I used to just go go go… always pushing myself to be more and more productive… and while there are definitely benefits to that kind of drive, it’s easy to overdo it and hit burn out.

So nurturing, rest and time to connect with myself has become absolutely vital… and the first step to achieve any kind of productivity!

Here are some things I find sooooooo helpful in replenishing my body and soul so I can go out and do the things I want to do in the world!

1. Time in Nature

One of the most healing and nurturing things for me is being in nature… it calms my nervous system, takes away stress and reconnects me to myself.
I don’t know about the science of it all, but I know that as soon as I feel the ocean air, everything in my system calms down—I can breathe easier and suddenly my outlook on life is clearer and more inspired.
Or when I take a walk in a forest I instantly feel replenished… it’s like forest air is full of nutrients, enzymes and nourishment, which replenish you with every breath!

2. Rest/Naps

I’ve definitely struggled over the years to allow myself enough time to rest. Sometimes there’s that voice in my head that says “you don’t deserve to rest, you need to work more” etc etc.

But especially over the last year I’ve really embraced napping and resting… spending a day in bed if I feel that’s what I need… I think the Spanish culture really has it right with the idea of a long lunch and Siesta!

3. Hot Baths with Essential oils

There’s nothing like a good hot bath to relax tired muscles, calm down your nervous system and cleanse and nurture your whole system!
I like to add epsom salts for an extra calming effect and to draw out toxins, and whichever essential oils I’m feeling like.
Some of my favorites are lemon grass for cleansing, purifying and uplifting, lavender for relaxation and frankincense for relieving stress.

4. Hot water with lemon or herb teas

An ayurvedic doctor once told me one of the most healing things I could do, was drink hot water throughout the day! It was such a great tip and I’ve been doing that for a couple of years, and find it so nourishing, warming, healing and calming.

I find plain hot water is great, or I’ll add some freshly squeezed lemon or brew some herbal tea.

My favorite teas right now are Nettle, Tulsi and Fennel.

Nettles are super amazing for balancing out women’s hormones, Tulsi is so so calming and fennel is amazing for cleansing and aiding digestion.

5. Sunbathing!!

I’m not suggesting you burn yourself to a crisp or anything, but I believe it’s super healthy and essential to get a good dose of sunshine!!!

Living in California I’m lucky to have lots of sun year round… and I feel there’s something so healing about letting the sun’s rays warm your body… it replenishes you in ways I don’t think science could possibly understand!!! There are some known benefits ie Vitamin D absortion etc… but I feel there’s so much more magic to it that hasn’t been discovered!

6. Greens!!! (Smoothies, Soups, Salads etc)

The benefits of eating/drinking green vegetables are so so massive… there are many scientific studies to back this up, but to me, when I consume lots of greens I just feel so cleansed, healed, grounded and energized.

After a good green smoothie you can feel your whole system buzzing with life and energy! Sometime soon I’ll post my favorite recipe :)

7. Freeflow Yoga/Stretching/Dancing

I love a good yoga class, but one of my favorite things to do is pull out my mat, put on some calming music and dive into my own free-flow practice… allowing and supporting whatever my body is wanting.

Sometimes it’ll be dancing, sometimes it’s intense flow or core work, or sometimes it’s just some slow cat cows or a long child’s pose that helps me breathe into the parts of my body needing more oxygen and love.

I find listening to my body and allowing it to direct my practice is so nourishing and healing, vs pushing myself to fit into a practice that might not be exactly what I need.

8. Smudging

Since the discovery of fire, smudging with herbs, woods and resins has been a daily practice around the world to bless, cleanse and heal.
Smudging is crucial in my daily self care ritual! I feel it cleanses out negative energy from my body and home, healing and protecting my aura and space.

For a really thorough cleanse, I burn lots of California Desert Sage… it’s a little more powerful than regular white sage and really clears everything away. I also love palo santo for a gentle, more grounding, nourishing effect.
There are many other great herbs etc for smudging, which are said to have different properties.

Cedar is said to clear away unwanted spirits and protect
Mugwort enhances dreams and intuition
Myrrh resin helps physical healing
Bay leaves aid in psychic power and manifestation

9. Meditation

I’ve practiced many different kinds of meditation over the years and have found it to be incredibly powerful for growth, healing and manifestation. Lately my favorite practice has been just to watch my breath until I find a stillness… then I sit in that and enjoy the bliss. Definitely sometimes my mind can go crazy, but I find focusing on my breath helps bring me back until things start to settle down and let go.

10. Saying no/Drawing Boundaries

This has been huge for me.

As an empath and highly sensitive person, I’ve often struggled to say “no” and draw boundaries. Over the last year or two I’ve become soooo much better at this and I have to say it’s been one of the most empowering things I’ve ever done. It makes saying yes to things that much more powerful and meaningful too.

11. Journalling

For as long as I can remember, journalling has been an important part of my life. It helps me express what I’m actually feeling, get out any negative thoughts occupying my mind, and reconnect to my dreams and vision.

Often I’ll do the morning pages from “The Artist’s Way”… ie 3 pages of stream of consciousness writing with no censorship. Then once my mind feels a little clearer, inspiration will come and I’ll start writing down creative ideas and things I want to bring into my life.

There are so many other things I do as self care rituals, but these are my current top 11!

I’d love to hear your favorites too!!!



Thank you for sharing these self-care things. Its so important we recharge. I am the same, I use to go non stop, but I now know how important it is to take the time we need for ourselves. I end up being way more productive and creative in the long run.

I just started following you now, I look forward to your future posts :)

Exactly!! Taking care of myself inspires me to be super productive :) Following you now too so looking forward to checking out your posts!

Welcome back!! I go with some traditional stuff like reading, red wine, music. Last night I had this great opportunity to listen to Pink Floyd’s Division Bell album twice with some smooth Shiraz aged in whiskey barrels. It was liberating.
Oh Ye, sleeping in a great saver too. :)
I’m with you on nature. Love those long walks through the Bush, especially after a rain. It’s the best!

Thank you!! Yes yes to reading, red wine and music!! (I'm sipping some yummy Chardonnay right now actually... have never had Shiraz aged in whiskey barrels though...!!!)
Oh yes the aussie bush after the rain... something I haven't experienced in a while... so beautiful!! 💗

Must be perfect weather there for some Chardonnay!
Shiraz from whiskey barrel was awsome... deep oaky taste blended with Shiraz 🤩... I was cruising with Floyd...
Aussie woods.. there ‘s nothing like it. I’m sure you are missing the smell of gum trees!
🎉 enjoy 😊

Sounds soooooo nice! Yes I really am missing the smell of gum trees... seriously nothing like it!

Being able to get plenty of sun and warmth really helps with mental health. We don't get enough of them during the winter in Montana but I try to get out into the sun whenever it is shining, at least for a bit.

Yes... so important!! ☀️

All of those are great ways to take care of your needs. Hiking in the woods or near running water is a great way to clear one's mind and relax.
Reading is my big self care method. Tuning out the world and diving into a good book energizes me. I once had an aura photographer take photos of me before and after a reading break and the colors as well as size of the energy field were very different.

Wow that's amazing! I haven't actually read a book in a really long time... thanks for inspiring me!

Glad to share ideas!

This is a great list, pretty much covers everything I think. Thanks for posting! My favorite self-care method has been Tai Chi, sort of a combo between meditation and yoga. I have a few moves posted on my blog if it interests you. Enjoy!

Yes... I've never done much Tai Chi but it looks incredibly peaceful... I'll definitely check out your moves! I've been thinking of starting Qigong too actually... have you tried that?

Yes, Qigong is the branch I like to practice. I use it for stress relief and for a better night’s sleep, definitely recommended!

Great to know!

Great post. Yes, as a parent to three little kids, I believe self-care is my first priority, even before tending to the others' needs (most times). Caring for ourselves is the first step in caring for other people, as you say. And I like that you've identified a solid list of specific self-care practices. The one I would add is: Music. You've already mentioned dancing, and in addition to listening to music, also singing and making a joyful sound. Cheers!

Yes I can only imagine... I'm sure it can be challenging to find time for self care with three kids, but I can see how important it must be... and I'm sure helps you be more present with them!!
Re music... yes! It's funny, I guess music is so much a part of my life, that I don't even think to mention it :) :)

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Awesome thanks so much!

This is a wonderful list of centering things to practice. I have many similar practices, some I've neglected lately, so it's nice to have a reminder like this.
Self-nurture is so underrated in our crazy-busy culture, and Steemit and discord can also become quite strong addictions on top of that, so back to centering...
Aahhhhhhhhh... 💚
Thank you!

Yes so easy to get carried away with it all and forget to take pause!

Great list, I do alot of these as well, I really want to try smudging, how strong is the smell? Don't know if other parties in the household would enjoy it haha

It's pretty strong (especially the desert sage!!) but I find everyone in my household loves it... Definitely worth checking first though 😄

I'll definitely try it sometime, when I visisted a shaman in Peru he used tobacco to clear the space. At least as far as inhaling, tobacco and me don't get along, and I think sage would smell better

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