Tips and Tricks for Buying a Food Processor

in #processor3 years ago

Do you need a hand to prepare food? You may be interested in buying a food processor. Take note of these tips and tricks for buying a food processor and make the right choice.

Are you thinking of buying a kitchen robot? The frenetic pace of life today leaves us little free time, so the less time we take to do housework, the better because more free time can be dedicated to what you really like and here you can find the one that best suits you. your needs .

Fortunately, technology helps us to save time in many household chores, and when it comes to preparing food, the food processor is your great ally. Especially if you are one of those people who even burn salads.

Kitchen robots have many advantages and will be of great help whether you are an inexperienced cook or a professional chef. However, it is also important that you keep in mind their disadvantages so that you can evaluate if this appliance is really what you are looking for.

Buying a food processor is a decision that you should evaluate very well because sometimes it can be an important investment. If you want to know all the details in depth and solve all your doubts, pay attention to our tips and tricks to buy a food processor.


Advantages and disadvantages of a food processor
Before you start, first of all, you have to be very clear if this appliance is for you. On the one hand, on the side of the advantages of food processors, we find that it brings together the functions of several appliances, such as the scale, the chopper, the mixer or the kneader, etc.. This allows you to save space in your kitchen and centralize all these functions in a single device.

In addition, thanks to the programming options, it is able to carry out the tasks autonomously, so in many cases, you will only have to put the ingredients and wait for the dish to be cooked.

This is perfect for people who have very little time due to work, children or studies but do not want to give up eating homemade food. Having a food processor allows you to have your hot dish waiting for you in the kitchen when you come home from work in the evening.

But it's not all advantages, and you also have to take into account the disadvantages of a food processor. On the one hand, it is a heavy and quite bulky appliance, so you will need to have enough space on the countertop or in a cupboard.

Therefore, the advantages would be:
°It brings together the functions of different appliances in the same appliance.
°It can be programmed to prepare food autonomously for a certain time.
°And it is not usually difficult to use.

On the other hand, the disadvantages would be:
°It is heavy and takes up quite a bit of space in the kitchen.
°You will have to spend time cleaning it.

Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages, and if you consider that it is worth buying a food processor, we will tell you below the characteristics that you have to take into account to make the right choice. In other words, we will tell you what you should look for when choosing one model or another.

Size and capacity
The size and capacity of the food processor is some of the main features you have to consider when choosing a food processor. To determine what is most suitable for you, take into account the number of people for whom you have to cook regularly, as well as the space you have available.

You do not need the same food processor to prepare food for two people than for four or six people, and it is not the same to have many square meters than the few square meters of a shared apartment.

In this appliance, size and capacity go hand in hand, so that the larger the dimensions of the appliance, the more capacity it will have and, as a general rule, the more expensive it will be.

In the market, you have at your disposal food processors with different sizes of glass or bowl, which is the piece in which the ingredients are processed to prepare the food. You can find 2-liter cups, 2.2 liters , 3.3 liters , 4.5 liters etc.

The power of the motor is another of the main features we want to highlight in this selection of tips and tricks for buying a food processor. If the robot does not have the necessary power it will be forced to always operate at the limit and its durability may be affected.

Since the power is what gives it the necessary strength to execute the different functions during cooking, we can say that its minimum power should be around 400 W approximately, although those with larger dimensions will need even more.

The functions vary from one food processor to another, and it is one of the main aspects you have to take into account when buying a food processor.

The original model has 12 functions, which are mixing, steaming, mashing, weighing, stirring, grinding, whipping, emulsifying, heating, kneading, cooking and chopping. However, other cheaper alternatives also perform these or similar tasks, such as the Lidl food processor, the cheap Thermomix.

In the case of the most economical models, they also come equipped with various accessories with which to carry out their functions, and in most cases, you can buy extra accessories if you wish. Consider what you are going to use your food processor for, whether you will need more or fewer functions, and the budget you have to spend to know which one to choose.

During cooking, robots handle food at very high temperatures and use blades and other utensils that can be dangerous, so it is very important to check that they have adequate safety measures.

Make sure that the model you choose integrates an automatic locking mechanism, that it has protection against overheating and that it has a wide base to ensure stability and avoid vibrations that can end up with the food processor on the floor or causing a serious accident in your kitchen.

As we said at the beginning, cleaning difficulties are one of the disadvantages of food processors and one of the main excuses for not using it in the future, so the fewer fixed elements it brings, the easier it will be to keep it clean and in perfect condition for use.

One of the best tips for buying a food processor is to look for models that can be completely disassembled and make sure that its parts and accessories are dishwasher safe. This will save you time after use. If you don't have time to cook, why should you have time to scrub extra junk?

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