From a slave to a master, chapter # 22 - Why do we gather experiences in life? For what purpose?

in #processing6 years ago

A Memoir

In the previous post, I claimed that processing our life-experiences is an essential step on the path of realization.


Photo by Kate Joie on Unsplash

But why? What's so important about the experiences we have in life? Why not just have them without giving them a second thought or feeling?

The answer is - wisdom.

At first, it is you, the human, who gathers experiences. If the process continues appropriately, and as it is meant to be, then each experience is distilled, you get to the core of it, and then is delivered to the Master, that inner part of you that is wise. The accumulated experiences form the conscious artificial figure of The Master.

Many people go through trials and tribulations throughout their entire life. It seems to them that life is repeating itself and they are faced, each time anew, with the same issues - a jealous lover, a financial breakdown, chronic disease. And the reason for that is the lack of processing.

Same old issues appear in your life only because you have not gathered yet the necessary wisdom from them. Once you do, you will graduate class 101, and move on to the next experience.

So, is this what life is about? you may ask, going from one experience to the next, swept by erratic forces from god-knows-where?

Well no. There comes a point when the cap is full, the wisdom has been accumulated and all the aspects have been assembled. Then, you become a creator. Then you are able to choose what you want to experience in the reality you live in. Then you are a Co-creator. The human, the master, and the divinity.

How to process? dos and don'ts, and further explanation about this stage and the other twos - in the next chapters of "From a salve to a master".



just stopping by to say hi my dear friend been a hectic month for me and my family, hope things will get better and I can concentrate more.

Hi !
Hectic times all around us. But we remain centered.
Thanks for stopping by 👍😊

Thanks a lot, this is very informative. There are humans in this platform pretending to provide information and click on-baiting customers. But this put up honestly packs a punch with all this information. well played sir.

In my opinion.
Everyone has to sort out his life purpose and meaning of life, realizing that he is the mediator of the intent and meaning of this, and continue to create value-based meaning it means to take into account the value and principle.
There are many ways to gather the experience of psychological meaning. You may have had that experience just by staring at the night sky. But we make ourselves most proud when we fight for the meaning that is rooted in our values and principles. Therefore, we are faced not only with the task of making the meaning but also the task of the heavier and more difficult to value-based means. In this way we achieve a life at once principled and meaningful. Living this way is a decision.

We might expect the situation is the reverse. We might hope that life has a meaning and purpose rather than being a single specified Affairs is full of diversity and contradictions. But the part of ourselves that most know is aware that we have evolved into a being who really find themselves in circumstances such as this. There is no universal agenda, if we can distinguish between them, will give us a guide to life and a reason to live. the purpose of life we can help we loved a little over on our hearts to love and hate a little less of fact in our heart to hate.
The purpose of our lives is a reminder that we have made a decision, that we have a choice, that we could get a grip, and that we can make ourselves proud.
Thank for this @nomad-magus

Move to Next Experience which may have same patter.

You really did hit the hammer on the nail...experience and wisdom matters for progress...

I love your teachings @nomad-magus. Realization! Once you have graduated and you surpass that stage you will be able to choose your experiences. I can feel I am on the part where I am choosing my experiences. Choosing happiness and being at peace with my inner-self. Thank you very much, these gives me a good feeling whenever I am reading your post. ❤😊

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