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RE: White Privelege explained by a White Guy

in #privilege6 years ago (edited)

I think our periods are synced Artie, cause I just posted a song about the popo!
Yeah my brother @heaterville always tells me I don't really understand the intricacies of living in the US, the blatant racism, the lies, the division.

In South Africa, it's a very different story which i will explain one day, and the few times I was in the US, i just found the Police way too intimidating, and overpowered. Like having the cheat code in a video game...except it's real life and people die...


I think they’ve been in sync for a hot minute.

I saw you posted, I’m especially looking forward to it now since it’s right in police rhythm. I have to wait until... you know!

How is this? “White privilege” is a term I just began familiarizing myself with literally in the past 5 years. Brother, how ridiculously unfair and privileged is that??

I could think ‘why haven’t all my brown, black, yellow, red, green friends said anything?’ About the same time you realize what privileged is, you also realize who that category does not include.

They are intimidating, Ed! Oh dude, I have stories I’ll probably share eventually where being white didn’t work in my favor AT ALL.

Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it!

Thanks for sharing your story, remember that there is an agenda at play, divide and conquer, that's where we are the most malleable as a specie.
(of a metal or other material) able to be hammered or pressed into shape without breaking or cracking.

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