Twitter Users - Protect Your Privacy - Change Your Settings Before June 18th

in #privacy7 years ago

Twitter has announced new changes to their Privacy Policy that elevate profits over privacy.


The changes involve data collection, data sharing and digital advertising. Users must 'opt out' if they do not want the changes automatically made to their account. These changes will be implemented on June 18th of this year and enabled if you do not adjust your account privacy settings.

With the new policy, Twitter will be keeping logs for users’ web histories for 30 days instead of 10, a move that Jules Polonetsky, CEO of the Future of Privacy Forum, says expands the pool of people it can track and allows Twitter to make more comprehensive profiles of users.

Twitter also discontinued support for the Do Not Track browser option, which previously allowed users to protect against targeted advertising.

Source: Anti Media

With the changes comes a greater focus on targeted ads which experts believe is more profitable than other forms of advertising since ads are tailored to personal needs and desires.

The changes make clear that Twitter is intent on generating more revenue from their platform which has historically struggled to find a way to be profitable, despite its popularity and extensive user-base of 300 million.


Maintain Privacy with 5 easy steps

  1. Go to, and click on, profile and settings
  2. Go to settings and privacy
  3. Go to privacy and safety
  4. Scroll down to personalization and data - Click on Edit
  5. Click on Disable All / Scroll to the bottom of page and click Save Changes


Twitter   Settings(7).png


Twitter   Settings(8).png


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Twitter   Settings(10).png



Already done! There's only so much left in the bottom of the barrel for advertisers. If only advertisers engaged their audience instead of paying money to promote the same traditional ads... they might make and retain more customers.

Well said, it might not be too long before we have Minority Report type advertising, cameras scanning/identifying you in public and projecting you inside of their commercials.

I'd not buy a thing in a world like that. Very Black Mirror too! If it was personalised advertising that sated my meme appetites of the day... or it generated meme based advertising that would be a completely different, Phillp J Fry moment...

Thanks for the heads up!

Thanks for the reminder.

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