Personal Privacy; A right, or should companies be able to access private property?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #privacy8 years ago

On the 23rd of February several Google WiFi and OnHub devices was unexpectedly reset to factory settings, by an issue with the engine in the Google Accounts, as reported from Google and written on NeoWin.

Google has not published why the company has such low level access to devices that they are able to reset them, even if this was not intentionally. Does the company have this kind of access to other devices, not just Google WiFi and OneHub, is another good question.

The company has been pushed on by tech users before to increase security and created a new My Account hub, as many tech users expressed concern about their privacy and fear of surveillance.

We all know companies use our data, as much data as they can get, to profile us and profit from it, but where does the line go for access to private property? These are good questions and many users are much to naive or just doesn't think about it.

What do you think?

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