No Privacy for you Slave! - Nazi EU VersionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #privacy7 years ago (edited)


Ok I just wrote an article about how in the US there is a pending bill (waiting for president signature) that would take away all your privacy on the internet by basically giving a right to the ISP's to sell your info to anybody, yes anybody, even if not directly, but the info would leak out anyway.

Now the same thing is happening in the European Union:

"EU to propose new rules targeting encrypted apps in June"

"The European Commission will propose new measures in June to make it easier for police to access data on internet messaging apps like WhatsApp, EU Justice Commissioner Věra Jourová said yesterday (28 March), heeding calls from national interior ministers." -

That is right, the European Commission that was setup by a Nazi Lawyer Walter Hallstein and helped or sponsored by other Nazis, like Brownshirt Nazi and German President Karl Carstens, Ludwig Erhard who was a consultant for IG Farben that ran the Auschwitz slave camps and many others.

See all the Nazi Founding Fathers of the EU here:

Now the EU is basically setting up a Gestapo, whereas the police can track everyones communications and later prosecute them for supposed political crimes, like they already do with people who mildly criticize immigrants.

I am just sick entirely of seeing the Nazi take over Europe again after 72 years, meanwhile a large part of the population isn't even aware this time.


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i agree 100% with your last posts

I'm aware.

For instance in germany

They want to take action against fake news especially around the elections.
Cause it would undermine democracy bla bla.
Then they also want to give facebook an twitter etc. fines from 50 million euro if they are not fast enough with removing hate speech, with a possibility to fine the owner 5 million. My question is what is hate speech? And will things that are not hate-speech be removed just because they wanna make sure they don't get a fine.

When this passes and becomes law it's very easy for them to silence the critical voices.

it my oppinion that whether something is fake or real news it's a person's own responsibility to decide what he believe's
If you see institutions/churches/states/ the ministry of truth (orwell), burning or forbidding books, censoring information, and all that stuff. It's not a good sign. Actually I find it quite sickening.

But like you said a large part (a very large part) isn't even aware.

It's totally absurd, everyone should have free speech, because there is no such thing as "hate speech", words didn't hurt anybody.

Even the Nazis should have free speech so that they can be ridiculed and exposed for the evil scumbags they are. But the Nazis don't want you to have free speech so that you can't stand up against them. And they send Brownshirt Nazis to beat up people who criticize them, the EU behaves exactly like the Brownshirt Nazis, maybe because it was a Brownshirt Nazi that was a founder of the EU, Karl Carstens.

Surpressing speech is moronic, because that way, the evil people won't expose themselves, and will resort to covert operations, which are harder to expose.

Free speech should be sacred.

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