Respect your children's decisions and their privacy

in #privacy3 years ago

she should stand Behind her decision and confront those around her, and as long as it is a decision that does not harm those around her, she is free with it, and ask her to return to play with her friend, you are thus guaranteeing your child an open mind, which will greatly benefit her in the future when she is exposed to greater and perhaps harsher criticism.

open mind
Do not make fun of the idea at all, your child is a human being who has the right to decide things of his own, certainly they will not be essential matters so do not be afraid of anything, for example, take him to the market and let him choose his clothes, as well as do not approach your child when he plays with another child, and if you want to watch him from a distance without Any intervention, give him confidence, it is the basis of having a child who is open to others and life.

Let him feel independent, the more he feels, the better he is able to have an open mind, and discover how to deal with others without any dictates or preconceptions.

Help him break stereotyped thoughts around him
If your child is a male, encourage him to wear clothes of derivatives of the color pink, and if it is a female, encourage her to wear clothes of derivatives of blue colors, help your child to break the stereotypical ideas around him, in clothes, choosing toys and all other details, no matter how small they seem, this will make him more flexible and open to people around him.

An open child, meaning a child who does not prejudge a child wearing blue, and in the future means an open mind that does not make its judgments based on appearance, race or color, but builds its judgments based on dealing with others, who will not find that mentality any problems or difficulties in dealing with them Being open minded.

Raising a child to be open-minded today means raising an entire generation that will achieve success in the future, whether in work or study, or even at all personal levels, a person who will be able to accept life and others and deal with them with maturity.

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