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RE: Can non-monetized to monetized content writing save my life?

in #prison5 years ago

I've Been There:

I was living in Vietnam, 2012-2017. I've visited Cambodia twice during visa runs. I was teaching English. I had my own apartment a few times in Saigon. Other times, stayed at hotels and hostels.

Drunk Disaster

One time, my students got me drunk. I was throwing up in a hostel and some European guys didn't like it and got me kicked out. That was around November of 2015. After that, I was unable to extend my visa in December.

Sleeping at Coffee Shops

Then, would sleep at coffee shops over night for two years until I was able to make a visa extension. After that, went back to America. So, I say that to say that I know it can be tough.

Time is Money

I spend a lot of time writing too. Yeah, so, I agree, a bit of compensation helps. I joined Steemit in 2017 and started making some money then. A few bucks here and there. I used some of my Bitcoin to buy a plane ticket for my trip back to the United States in 2017.


I've been there: I have been living in SEA for over 7 years, living the digital nomad life style, living off my affiliate, adsense, dropshipping and crypto earnings.

Drunk Disaster:

I lost the one laptop I was working on and dependent on, the first day in Cambodia.

Sleeping at Coffee Shops:

I would sleep on a concrete floor of some of my buddies, in front of bars, risking everything I carry, every night.

Time is Money:

I write these emotions off me and it actually helps me understanding and realizing the power of collective consciousness. I hope I can contribute to Steemit and it's community...

... and hopefully, a ticket to somewhere else.

Yeah, writing is therapy. When I first came to Vietnam, on the 6th day, I was fired from a school and then slept on the floor of a restaurant for two months. That was near Hanoi. So, I washed dishes there. I went on to find teaching jobs. Your contribution benefits Steemit and the world. But the tough part is branding, that is in finding followers, readers who will upvote. A lot of people can struggle on Steem. As Steemit grows, that struggle may decrease in some ways.

In some ways, you may be more experienced than me in that you've been in Asia longer and in that you may have done more in relating to cryptocurrency investments as well. A lot of people do tend to write about crypto. I mean, not everybody. And you may find people who like to talk about Asia as well. I think there is at least one other guy on Steemit who lives in Cambodia.

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