Primas(PST)- Have you joined yet? ! | 还没有加入吗?我们在Primas 等着你!

in #primas6 years ago

Primas, one of the content platform finally launched their MainNet today, same day as EOSIO! It marks a key milestone of the era.

Primas主网今天终于上线了。 和 EOS主网同一天!它标志着Primas 的一个新的里程碑。

As a participant of their Testnet, I’ve been participating on the TestNet and heavily got involved in the bug finding and providing feedbacks. We are very impressed by how hard Primas team works and how quickly they listen and improve the Dapp. Primas is similar to steemit where users post their articles and get paid from upvoting and commenting, but it has its own uniqueness. If you are interested, you may check their whitepaper out, here are some brief recap in case you want to get some time back for yourselves:

我参与Primas测试版的内测,积极帮助他们寻找bug 并提供回馈。我们对Prim>as团队的工作热情和他们的聆听与快速解决能力非常地佩服。 Primas和 Steemit 类似,用户可以发表内容,点赞和评论并得到奖励,但是他们有自己独特的地方。如果你感兴趣的话,可以去参照他们的白皮书,或者可以参照以下我的简短概述来节省一点自己的时间:

Token: their token is PST, you can publicly trade in in many exchanges. It's around $0.65/coin. Primas Dapp is the app that you need to use for all activities to make PST. In Primas app, all PST will need to convert to HP in order to interact with people. While Primas is integrating the content from TestNet to MainNet, they’ve temporarily stop depositing PST into their app. It will most likely take few days to get it fully converted and then users can start to deposit PST they acquired from exchanges to the App. The more PST you get, the higher HP you will have. Higher HP also means higher weight in profit.

代币: 他们发布的代币是PST, 已经在很多交易平台交易。现在的价格大概是$0.65/枚。用户必须使用Primas app来完成一系列的活动。在 Primas app 里,所有的PST 都将被转换成HP. 现在Primas 团队在把测试网里的内容兼并入主网,所以他们暂时停止PST 的充值。 整个过程大概需要几天的时间, 所以请用户耐心等待。 PST将提高HP 比重,也直接影响到用户得到的奖励。

HP- All actions needs to be consumed with HP, you would need HP for upvote, forward and comment. Your reward is paid in PST though.
a. Set up community
b. Join community
c. Upvote for the article
d. Comment on the article
e. Forward article

HP- 所有在Primas app里的动作都要消费不同的HP- 点赞,转发和评论。但是用户的奖励收益是以PST 来实现的.
a. Set up community(建立圈子)
b. Join community(加入圈子)
c. Upvote for the article(文章点赞)
d. Comment on the article(文章评论)
e. Forward article(文章转发)

Community(Groups)- in Primas, it’s all about community. Users can set up their own community and encourage other users of the same interest and mind to join, interact and social etc. You can transfer the articles to different groups and interact with different people. Group has big influence in the reward you are going to get. There are 3 parts of rewards in Primas:
a. Article: your post + upvote + comment + forward.
b. Group reward
c. Manager of the group- if you created the community(group), you will get partial reward from daily rewards received in your community.

圈子- 在 Primas, 一切都是围绕着圈子在运转的。用户可以设立自己的圈子,鼓励志同道合的小伙伴一起进圈来互动和分享。而且也可以跨圈进行操作。 可以把文章转到不同的圈子。圈子的收益对用户的影响比重很大。所以要谨慎选择进入的圈子,圈子内互动越多越活跃,HP 越高,得到的奖励就越多。Primas里奖励分3 部分:
a. 文章收益,点赞,评论和转发收益.
b. 圈子收益
c. 圈主收益- 圈子的圈主享有圈子收益的部分比例.

Contents accepted- Primas accepts all kinds of content and forms. Everyone can join and find their sweet spot.

接受的内容和形式- Primas 接受各种内容和形式。所以任何人都可以加入并找到自己的一席之地。

Language options- There are 3 languages available now in their app. Chinese, English and Japanese. You can set your preference in setting.

语言选择- 目前有三种语言选择:中文,英文和日文。可以在设置里选择自己的偏爱。

Posting- you can write article in the app and post directly from there. You can also go to their web site to draft your articles, and then save the draft and go to draft in app to post or use scan function in the app to post instantly. Either way would work fine.

发表- 你可以在手机app里直接编辑和发表。你也可以到他们的网站去编辑你的文章,然后保存。你可以选择直接用app 里的扫描来扫网页上的条码标,或者到app里的草稿箱里去浏览再发布。两种方式都可以。

Primas DNA- all articles posted in Primas will be assigned its unique DNA that would help you to declaim your ownership of the article.

Primas DNA- 所有在Primas 上发表的文章都会被赋予独特的DNA,这可以帮助证明原创的身份.

• If you register now, you will be able to get 201 HP for free. You can use it to create group, post articles, upvote, comment and forward articles, etc. HP recovers every 9 hours, so don’t be shy of not using it as otherwise you will waste it and get no returns.

如果你现在注册,你可以免费得到201 HP. 你可以用它来创建圈子,发表文章,点赞,评论,转发文章等。HP 每9 小时恢复。因此不要吝啬不用而浪费了。 只有操作才有收益。

If you’d like to join this platform, Detailed design and functions of the app, you may download "Primas" from Apple app store and join. It’s pretty straight forward and easy to master.

如果你有意愿加入此平台并了解他们app具体的设计和功能等,你可以到苹果APP 商店搜索"Primas"下载APP。 他们的app设计得很不错很容易掌握。

There are some tips as a tester of the testnet that I may share with you to help you to be more successful:


• Community, community and community: it’s key that you find the right community that fits your interest. As the community has the obligation to maintain high quality of the community and ensure the content is relevant, pls make sure that you right the right one.

社区,社区,社区: 找到合适自己的圈子是很重要的。圈子里的每位成员都有义务和责任来维护社区的质量并确保发的内容是相关的。 因此在加入群前一定要确定这是你想要的。

• Quality talks- if you want to get more upvotes, comments and forward from others, quality is the key.

质量说话- 好的质量可以得到更多的点赞,转发和评论。 质量是关键。

• Socialize with other users to build up your own network and support team. It would help you to be more successful in Primas.

和其他用户互动来建立自己的人脉和圈子。 只有得到大家的支持你可能更成功。 把文章转入不活跃的圈子是无法挣到应当的PST 的。

• Look at ways to increase your HP. I participated in their ICO and moved some PST into their test net to power up my HP. It helps to increase your reward significantly.

想办法提高你的HP。 Primas ICO 的时候我有参与,因此在内测的时候有把部分PST 转入来加大自己的HP和收益。

• Reward is based on comment * 2 + forward * 2 + upvote * 1 , as forward hasn't seemed to be working properly at least at TestNet, try to use most of the HP on comment to maximize the reward.

奖励是 评论2 + 转发2 + 点赞*1. 因为转发目前还没有稳定,所以重点还是要把HP 用在评论上面可以利益最大化。

I hope this is helpful for you, should you have any questions, pls feel free to let me know, I would be more than happy to explain and help. At my spare time, I like to travel and enjoy all kinds of food, I also wrote many articles about food and travel, this is why I created my community in Primas called “Travel & Food focus group”, Pls feel free to join my community and share your stories with us, and most of all, let’s make PST together!

希望以上对你有帮助。如果有任何问题的话,可以告诉我,我会很乐意和你进一步解释的。 我在休闲时刻都喜欢旅游和享用美食。 我也写了不少旅游和美食的文章。因此我创建了“旅游 & 美食聚集地” 的圈子。欢迎有共同爱好的朋友一起来加入,大家一起分享自己的故事并同时把PST 给挣了。







@susanli3769, 这是小可可我在steemit最好的邂逅,好喜欢你的贴(^∀^)哇~~~ img

你今天过的开心吗?客官渴不渴,有没有去 @laodr 老道茶馆喝口热茶啊?如果我打扰到你,请回复“取消”。

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