Bush and Co. after 9-11 proclaimed "The Power of Pride" and it spread everywhere, brainwashing programming and triggering Americans.

in #pride7 years ago

Bush and Co. after 9-11 proclaimed "The Power of Pride" and it spread everywhere, brainwashing programming and triggering Americans. One of the seven deadly fruit of the carnal flesh. Not one Christian, Protestant or Catholic no Christian Jews or Muslim leader no one in the Congress the People's House of our exalted Representatives, not even the Pope; the infallible self-proclaimed, supposedly the Worlds and God's Mouthpiece on everything goodly Godly Holy and Sanctimonious, none of them said anything, not a peep.

That this, these words are not of the Holy Spirit not of God not of Christ not of Our Father not of the Son of Man the Son of God not of the Spirit and not good. That which exalts and those that exalt themselves will be humbled and those that humble themselves will be exalted according to the Books of the Gospel and the good words of the Messiah.

For what does Pride do to a person's heart mind and the Spirit? It blinds them to the Truth. Compare the benefit if any of being humble especially a Humble American and a Humble Christian with the Proud American and Proud Christian. What, perfect already, greater than everyone, no faults, no imperfections, without sin, never once made a mistake to learn from?

With the supposed humility of Christ, learn from the example, the fish on the plate in front of you, what can you learn from it, about what it is? Meditate concentrate focus contemplate study if you would gain knowledge and wisdom, question everything. Stick your own finger in or are you content to blindly follow the blind blindly? Are you already in the ditch, how would you know with your eyes closed your ears shut and your mind, who knows, your heart, who cares, the Spirit, what is it?

Where is the temple that Good dwells?

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