Dear Mr, profanity PRE SI DENT of the USA.

in #president6 years ago (edited)

This article is a reply to the tiny section from 1:00 to 2:30.

Mr. President are you INSANE!?

Feed your homeless people you profanity hole!
Be the first profanity president who did NOT waste money and energy on profanity BULLSHIT that profanity KILLS PEOPLE.

Up till now I actually thought you had a good sense of humor.

But this is profanity BULLSHIT!

Now I'll ask H.A. Goodman to read the following text for me. (I really hope you do this HA)
And I even will try to reach Sting to ask if he wil re-record his song with this VERY PROFANITY TEXT.

The gloves are OFF Mr. President

Sting Lyrics re-spun

"The Foolish Rocket-men"

In Europe, China and America there's a growing feeling of hysteria
Conditioned to respond to all the threats
In the rhetorical speeches of the America
Mister Trump said, 'We need to protect you'
I don't subscribe to this point of view
It'd be such an ignorant thing to do
If the people of the world love their children too

How can I save my little boy
From the Rocket-men's deadly toys?
There is no monopoly on common sense
On either side of the political fence
We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology
Believe me when I say to you
I hope the Americans love their children too

There is no historical precedent to put
The words in the mouth of the president
There's no such thing as a winnable war
It's a lie we don't believe anymore
Mister Trump says 'We will protect you'
I don't subscribe to this point of view
Believe me when I say to you
I hope north-koreans love their children too

We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology
What might save us, me and you
Is if the people of the world love their children too

NOW also have a look at this and watch it to the VERY PROFANITY END and tell me again that you need even more



Buckminster Fuller "Earth's Friendly Genius"

Got it?


Need more nuclear weapons...


Get you nukes out of Europe instead of making more BULLSHIT!


I'm not anti Trump, his infrastructure plans sound very good. Just don't make new nukes.


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Definetly not gonna conceive a child in this system. He/She would only be a slave. another cog in their machine...

I agree, but I also, hearda twist of this.

Why good people should have kids.

The philosophy goes like this:
If good people don't get children the bad people will not be stopped, they gain on it.

When good people DO make children and TEACH their childeren about reality, then those children CAN change the world.

It took many generations to destroy the world, so it will take just as many generations to fix it.

So to everyone who has children, tell them the truth. Don't keep secrets.

Still make sure that privacy is respected.

Make politicians publish EVERYTHING they do, don't let politicians encrypt any of their work, they work for us. We need to see what they do with the money we gave them.

Let everyone's private data be encrypted. And don't store ANY personal data in government databases.
They where never able to secure it in the first place, so why trust them with our privacy.

damn I drifted to deeper water again...

"evil triumphs when good people do nothing" - albert einstein

great input and yes you are right. although... why letting your kid go to war for a stupid thing that stupid people did way back ago... why conceive a kid for this purpose in the 1st place.. to me it would be immoral to do so... it would be a tool rather than a contribution to the harmony of "life". this sounds a little bs what i just said but personally it would bother me knowing that i conceived my kid to have a hard struggle for stupid greedy people that might repeat the same bs again under different forms... lets say it truly becomes an influencial person that will change the world but it'll be instantly killed. check on nikola tesla what he wanted to bring to the world. and it wasn't long time ago... free electricity for everyone.

check out John Searl. he still lives... he's not allowed to produce his device under any circumstance... i know many more who are doing many things and are being hunted down. glad "satoshi nakamoto" did it in a nice way. although; do you really think a genius will be born out of you? it might be.. but might be a person like many other crooks for all i know..

humans anyway die... good or bad.. doesn't matter if they still live... let them kill themselves in this environment of theirs... it'll belong to them. ill just sit back and enjoy this "freak show" as george carlin often mentioned.


btw. was that Einstein??
wasn't that 100 years older then Albert?

Edmund Burke

it was this guy who said that..
why do i even know this, and what i need to remember i just can't lol

You should have a look at Fritz Lang's - Metropolis
Try to find the full version, as some versions have lost a few interesting scenes and i'm not even sure if the full restored version is still complete.

ill watch it. thanks

it was quite nice. fits perfectly our reality

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